FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 852


The British pound strengthened sharply after the publication of the employment report. Market participants reacted to a sharp increase in payrolls as well as a drop in the ILO unemployment rate in July. In the context of the Bank of England's comments, such statistics increase the likelihood of a rate hike sooner.


I take it from my post that I'm the only one mentioning Murray. What are the tools more accurate? CME? Chicago futures? Stocks? Indices?

Naturally. Swings, stochastics, phases of the moon... lots of good stuff.
does the software know about this?
Well, it showed that the trading range has shrunk )))) So the sell limits moved down and the TP level moved up ))))

The British pound strengthened sharply after the publication of the employment report. Market participants reacted to a sharp increase in payrolls as well as a drop in the ILO unemployment rate in July. In the context of the Bank of England's comments, such statistics increase the likelihood of a rate hike sooner.

And how can this already accomplished joy be used practically? )))
Of course I am. Wizards, stochastics, phases of the moon... a lot of good stuff.

Well, the wizards, the stochastics, you're not remembering your youth, but you've fallen into childhood.

Pivots, Murray levels, correlation indicators are just historical volume charts. I may as well open with an empty chart, but why bother my eyes unnecessarily?

Good afternoon! Everyone making noise?

I don't know, man, maybe I don't understand the market at all anymore, but... chiff down - bid, eura sold... tough... so the quid is definitely up. With all that goes with it... And there is a rumor of a rate increase - albeit by a bit, not up to 0.5, but an increase! Well - everyone has his own view...
Well, she drew that the trading range has shrunk )))) Accordingly, the limits to sell have moved down and the TP has moved up ))))

she's not bad...

only selling a rising pair is not so good...

56, check)
I can see that, too.

she's not bad...

only selling a rising pair is not very good...

So she's dumb, how would she know that the pair is rising ))))
So she's dumb, how does she know the pair is rising ))))

I don't get it, it's "dumb", then it knows everything...

OK, I'll hold the Eura to 1330: