FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1930

I think this New Year's week will be in the 1.08 -1.10 range, Happy Holidays to everyone ))

Try it on H1, there are more signals

And throw in your own indicator to check it out.

there's an indicator on the board

I have three timeframes already, the price is going down. On MN, H4, M15. On D1 there is a parity condition, on M1 it asks to go down, but someone is holding it by buying.


not a Kiwi


What's the difference?

3 and 4 are buy rails, not 4 and 5

23-Jun-1995 eurobucks d1, time to workout - 3147 days :)

you know, it really depends on what you're counting and how you count 161 ...

If you don't get greedy it won't be that bad

Alexey Busygin:
I already have three times, the price is asking to go down. On MN, H4, M15. On D1 it's oddly parity, on M1 it's asking to go down, but someone is holding it up by buying.

3 and 4 are buy rails, not 4 and 5

23-Jun-1995 Eurobucks d1, time to workout - 3147 days :)

When you do that, it depends on what you're counting and how you're counting 161 ...

if you dont get greedy it will not be so bad

you see it that way, the other way around...

for audi the move down and fibo should be set as i see it...

counting from the height of both sticks in both directions


I won't teach you, old timer...........................


Are you a clown?
Take it higher, Strange buffoon!
Королевский шут Шико. Единственный, который носил шпагу. Обсуждение на LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
  • Лукавый Ангел
Шико (около 1540-1591) Шико родился в Гасконии в 1540 году, на берегах Сены. Будучи южанином, он очень любил солнце. Настоящее имя – Жан-Антуан д’Анжлер. Происходил из дворянской семьи. Придворный шут французских королей Генриха III и Генриха IV. Шут при дворе является своеобразной чертой, границей, он занимает ступень, на которой стоит только...

The pound has been chiseling for two days - it's beckoning buyers. Tuesday on the quid, Wednesday on the pound, that will be the moment of truth. I hope it does, I hope it doesn't.

Teacher, your virtual personality is psychologically torn (it is possible in life as well) - by your nickname you position yourself as a preacher, by your avatar you are a jester, by the way you register, it seems through the Tor system or similar - as a terrorist. Who are you and why the moderation does not ban you when you walk on a razor blade?
Лезвие бритвы
Лезвие бритвы
  • Ефремов Иван
В канву приключенческого романа Ивана Ефремова «Лезвие бритвы» умело вплетены детективный сюжет, любовные линии, интриги, шпионские страсти... Это роман о духовном могуществе человека, о торжестве разума, о поисках красоты, любви и справедилвости. «Ощущения красоты заложены в глубинах нашего...
Teacher, your virtual personality is psychologically broken (maybe in real life so). By your nickname you position yourself as a preacher, by your avatar you look like a joker, by the way you register, through the Tor system or something like that, you look like a terrorist. Who are you and why the moderation does not ban you when you walk on a razor blade?

Physically bursting with your fart

Beneath the guise of exertion.

In an attempt to know others.

In vain, motherfucker!

Do you know the details of my registration?
You're messing around with the moderators?

Most of the sitters here are company reps. I knew it.

Z.U. Great is he who knows himself! Get the site up and running and add smiley faces. Fix the hyphenation... glitch upon glitch - something to work on instead of banning old people