FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1616

What an insufferable person you are))) As much as I try to be discreet, you're just asking for a rant!!!! ))

Let's just say you don't give a shit what anyone else draws. Well, that's your right. Nevertheless, what you draw is only understandable to you and you see it as the ultimate truth in the last resort. You don't even think about what and why. I'm trying to understand - even if not for you, but for myself, and for those for whom it may be interesting. You yourself dream of talking about the market and about something more complicated than a stick )))

Well, go figure it out).

Look where the pound traded last week and think about it.

What's not to understand?

The numbers are new trades were opened on the pound futures.


Here's Friday's Audi bidding, take a closer look and trade, what with sticks around the village like fools.


Here's Friday's Audi bidding, take a closer look and trade, what with sticks around the village like fools.

you were just agreeing with Idler about MM opening however and wherever you want. And then you immediately say that it all makes sense to you. Is that what you have drawn now? Well you can see that someone sold and someone bought. So what? Who was it and for what purpose did they do it? You can't even answer that question for yourself! You can only say something like "Why should I explain the obvious? Go figure it out" hoping that someone will figure it out for you)).
You just agreed with Eidler that MMs open however and wherever they want. And then you immediately say that it all makes sense to you. Is that what you have drawn now? Well you can see that someone sold and someone bought. So what? Who was it and for what purpose did they do it? You can't even answer that question for yourself! You can only say something like "Why should I explain the obvious? Go figure it out" hoping that someone will figure it out for you)).

And who told you that I would chew on anyone?)

If you want it, deal with it, if not, get your sticks in your hands and go to the countryside.

when i read my first forex book, for a month i couldn't remember which was bigger: the bid or the ask. since then, so much of jamison has been gobbled up that put and stake is a dead end. well, and fixnim, a red tail this insignificant cannot spin a blue wolf. and then there are the over-the-counter.....
When i read my first book on forex, for a month i couldn't remember which was bigger: the bid or the ask. since then, so much of jamison has been eaten up that put and call is just dumb. well, and fixnim, such an insignificant red tail cannot spin a blue wolf. and then there are the over-the-counter.....

Vasya. the main thing is what they want, the intentions, and your arguments about "tails" are nothing.

Why do some companies study demand before releasing a product?

There is no product, but there is demand, so they study the volume of that demand and the price they are willing to pay. Or maybe nobody wants it. You look at it from this perspective, not who's doing what, where's the bid and where's the ask.


What are you prompting for?

that there's a 1,500 p. stroke each...

Ilya, scrape together the dough for the lot, buy the gold. in the spring you will discount it at 1340. homework: multiply the move by the leverage and divide by 25.

Vasya. the main thing is what they want, the intentions, and your arguments about "tails" are nothing.

Why do some companies study demand before releasing a product?

There is no product, but there is demand, so they study the volume of that demand and the price they are willing to pay. Or maybe nobody wants it. This is the point of view from which you look, not who is spinning what and where there is a bid and where there is an ask.

The main thing for us is to get into a fight.
You don't have to be a great thinker or mathematician not to understand that early next year there will be a good correction of the quid down, why early next year? Because this year, before the holidays, nobody needs it for fuck all, except for a partial fx of positions, cashing out for those very holidays.

And who told you that I would chew on anyone?)

If you want, you have to deal with it, if not, you can take the sticks to the countryside.

Don't you think it's funny how predictable you are? )) You don't have to answer, you just quoted me.