FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1611

you buy it )
I already said that )) I'm all for a U-turn! But you can expect anything from these wizards! The situation in the world right now is ambiguous. They can do anything!!! The main thing is to see what they're up to. I don't see it yet - I'll be honest! But I really want to see. I'm looking for it, analyzing it. But so far in vain. I do not see any logic in their actions, none at all!
Server Muradasilov:
Why don't you consider Black Friday? There's been turnover everywhere.
Allah is with you - what turnover? What turnover?
Here's how they explain it:

"The US dollar rose markedly against other major currencies on Friday amid growing expectations of a US rate hike in December, while trading volumes are expected to remain subdued in holiday trading."

Bullshit!!! All of this has long since been played out and there was no new premise or reason for it on Friday!!! There can only be one thing here - since everyone is so convinced of the U-turn - they have decided to shake off the passengers.
This "nonsense", however, has raised the dollar against the national currency by 10% in one day. Apparently this is not nonsense, but a deliberate action to undermine national economies. This is real economic warfare, worse than a hot one.
I already said that)) I'm all for a U-turn! But you can expect anything from these wizards! The situation in the world right now is ambiguous. They can do anything!!! The main thing is to see what they're up to. I don't see it yet - I'll be honest! But I really want to see! I'm looking for it, analyzing it. But so far in vain. I do not see any logic in their moves, no logic at all!
I showed earlier that, the gold market is now being run by stubborn monopolists. Once they are kicked out of here, everything will fall into place. I will let everyone know about it.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
This "nonsense" has nevertheless appreciated the dollar against the national currency by 10% in one day. Apparently this is not nonsense, but a deliberate action to undermine national economies. This is real economic warfare, worse than a hot one.
I get it - just four Jews came in and sold everyone out.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
I showed earlier that, in the gold market, stubborn monopolists are now operating. Once they are kicked out of here, everything will fall into place. I'll let everyone know about it.
Wouldn't be out of place, thank you!
Allah is with you - what turnover?

But as you see, if you think like everyone else, you'll be there too. You have to pay attention to everything if you do not understand why.

Massive cash and non-cash turnover.

I get it - just four jews came and sold them all out.
Why is it funny))) four big banks, they are going to bail on all buyers, and buy as much gold as they need to control the price
Server Muradasilov:

But as you see, if you think like everyone else, you'll be there too. You have to pay attention to everything if you do not understand why.

The enormous turnover of cash and non-cash

Don't swear! Stearn's gonna give you a hard time.
Bullshit! If you don't believe me, compare it to other Fridays... Why should the dollar appreciate? All the news has already been exhausted... On top of that, gold was the first to go down. Then the eu went up.

On 25 and 26 November the ECB poured in almost 100 yd euros and exchanged them for quid. Bypassing the market. That means bypassing the stock exchange. Now it has enough liquidity to flood any demand for quid. Just add up 2+2 and you get the answer.

There is no dollar, euro, pound, Swiss franc, yen and cable separately since late 2011, but there is a single monster currency. Swap transactions mean one thing - the currency will walk in a corridor as long as the swap is on. The Pindos are conducting a grandiose operation to devalue the dollar. This forces the CBs of developing countries to devalue their currencies. Otherwise the country is screwed. We feed the monster at the expense of pensioners, employees and our own budget cuts. But the monster is still not enough, it has long been used to live beyond its means, at the expense of robbery.

Open market operations
  • European Central Bank
The Eurosystem’s regular open market operations consist of one-week liquidity-providing operations in euro ( main refinancing operations , or MROs ) as well as three-month liquidity-providing operations in euro ( longer-term refinancing operations , or LTROs ). MROs serve to steer short-term interest rates, to manage the liquidity situation and...