FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1610

The question is another one - who needs it and why? For example why did it go down yesterday? No news, no...! But it was going down. But it could have flattened, or it could have gone up - there's plenty of room.
We don't need news, some people closed in big parts, others opened, who understand that on Saturday and Sunday the banks, states and any other shit can happen - so you may get a gap on Monday at market opening, they close, and that's the movement...
Server Muradasilov:
They understand that on Saturday and Sunday they can trade banks, states and any other shit may happen - so they may get a gap on Monday at market opening, they close, and that's the march.
bullshit! if you don't believe me, compare it to other Fridays... Yesterday it was different - everyone was yelling that the dollar had appreciated. Why would it do that? All the news had already been exhausted ... on top of that, gold was the first to go down. then the eu went up.
Yusuf is a loser and his theory is bullshit )))
Dear Artikle, even though I am a loser and have developed "total bullshit" as you put it. Show me a normal market theory without this bullshit. You won't find shit!
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Dear Artikle, even though I am a loser and have developed "total bullshit" as you put it. Show me a normal market theory without this bullshit. You won't find shit!

Hello Yusuf.

I don't pay attention to it, there is a certain amount of theory, I see it on the indicator. I've got my own nuances with it - selection of settings, time farming, searching for patterns. I have my own set-up, my timeframe, search for patterns, etc. In some sessions I can clearly see everything. I am testing it further, I need time. As for the time spent, it wasn't in vain! They (some traders) have found their algorithm, they sit and earn on it (thank God, I can be happy for them), but their normal human ego clogs up theirego.

Alexey Busygin:
The super profit is made outside of forex, therefore, these mechanisms are ineffective, useless and even harmful. Yusuf's theory, as well as technical analysis, is not effective, even though cleverly and beautifully written.
Yes, creating a new theory of the market, why new, there was no theory at all, I am aware that I will be criticized because I do not understand or do not want to understand all the complexities of the path. But one thing is certain, I have shown that in addition to the current price, there is a parallel market price in the market, which at any time can become the current price! Do you understand all of this? If it wasn't for me who would have shown you that? If you couldn't show it for thousands of years, you couldn't show it for millions of years!
Here's how they explain it:

"The US dollar rose markedly against other major currencies on Friday amid growing expectations of a US rate hike in December, while trading volumes are expected to remain subdued in holiday trading."

Bullshit!!! All of this has long since been played out and there was no new premise or reason for it on Friday!!! There can only be one thing - since everyone is so confident of a reversal - they have decided to shake off the passengers.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Yes, in creating the new, why new, there was no market theory at all, I was aware that I would be criticised for not understanding or not wanting to understand all the complexities along the way. But one thing is certain, I have shown that in addition to the current price, there is a parallel market price in the market, which at any time can become the current price! Do you understand all of this? If it wasn't for me who would have shown you that? If you could not show it for thousands of years, you would not have been able to show it for millions of years!
Yusuf, you came to the market to make money. If someone is sane, everyone makes money here. Who needs theory that does not help in the process? I get futures, Stariy gets an option, Ilya shoots patterns... They all have no market theory. Why don't you get down to business?
Here's how they explain it:

"The US dollar rose markedly against other major currencies on Friday amid rising expectations of a US rate hike in December, while trading volumes are expected to remain subdued in holiday trading."

Bullshit!!! All this has long since been played out and there was no new speculation or reason for it on Friday!!! There can only be one thing here - since everyone is so convinced of the reversal - they decided to shake off the passengers.
and you buy it )
Here's how they explain it:

"The US dollar rose markedly against other major currencies on Friday amid rising expectations of a US rate hike in December, while trading volumes are expected to remain subdued in holiday trading."

Bullshit!!! All this has long since been played out and there was no new speculation or reason for it on Friday!!! There can only be one thing - since everyone is so convinced of the reversal - they decided to shake off the passengers.
Why don't you consider Black Friday? There was a concrete turnover of money everywhere.
Server Muradasilov:

Hello Yusuf.

I don't pay attention to it, there is a certain grain of theory, I see it on the indicator. I've got my own nuances with it - selection of settings, time farming, searching for patterns. I have my own set-up, my timeframe, search for patterns, etc. In some sessions I can clearly see everything. I am testing it further, I need time. And so I think you have not wasted your time! They (some traders) have found their algorithm, they sit and earn on it (thank God, I can be happy for them), but their normal human ego clogs up theirego.

Dear Server, thank you for your support. I am glad if my investigations help someone. But, as you have pointed out, the question is complicated, one needs time to understand what an indicator tells about.