FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1608

And the spitfire mashka, I think, will survive forex, like the cockroaches of the dinosaurs, because it is a sine wave - the basis of the universe.

a classic price-cutting contravention...

it smells like a KOOKLE here!

Of course it smells, the sanctions against Turkey are not yet in full force. I'd hold the quid to 70 rubles.

Some kind of denialist post. Too categorical. Again, it is possible to win back some small amount of funds from the Contracts Specification.

In my opinion, it is important not to overcomplicate the trading tactics.

I agree! There is no need to be overcomplicated.
Alexey Busygin:
The super profit is made outside of forex, therefore, these mechanisms are ineffective, useless and even harmful. And Yusuf's theory, as well as technical analysis, is not effective, although clever and beautifully written.
What do you mean by "excess profits"? What percent per annum do you receive?
Server Muradasilov:
How much do you mean by excess profits?
It depends on how much money is on deposit, but it's not about profit, it's about interest.
Alexey Busygin:
It depends on how much money you have on deposit, but it's not about profit, it's about percentage.

Lyosha, what difference does it make what kind of deposit - how much is your annual profit?

You know perfectly well that the MM must be the same for any size deposit.

Server Muradasilov:

Lyosha, what difference does it make what kind of deposit - how much is your annual profit?

You do not need to take the size of the deposit, you know yourself that the MM should be the same for any size deposit.

You know that with any deposit size MM should be the same. 10$ on 1$ is already super profit, calculate the percentages yourself.
Alexey Busygin:
10$ from 1$ is already a super profit, and you can calculate the interest yourself.
Now I get it, thank you.

...... I'm showing you a working screen, in this case CHIF.

On the green levels we strengthen the position, on the red levels we take a common take and pray that before the orders are closed the forex does not turn into a straight line, like a cardiogram in cardiac arrest.

Stop bickering, my friends! There's a man in a parallel thread over there who's pricing - how much can I get a GRAAL for?