FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1385

Refugees are refugees, Alexei, you have to look at the root of the problem, and all problems are in our governments, in their greed and ambition. As long as people do not understand that they do not need these "rulers", it will be like that. Many people think that without governments there would be bacchanalia and lawlessness, but this is exactly what "governments" do, there is no anarchy that can take as many people as they kill and loot).

Bacchanalia starts when there is no law. And the government plays a different function. And essentially no one can be protected from greed, stupidity and ambition. At the beginning there was a fall in the eu, then a rise and then suddenly there were refugees, now the flow seems to be on the decline, the euro is also on the decline, when it goes up the inflow will increase. And then England goes down, followed by France and down. At the end, boom, bang, nein, nein, no, no. Ukraine will again start blaming Russia for all the deadly sins and that they were not allowed into the Eurozone. And the end of the tale!

Now clearly everyone is a cockroach.

Alexey Busygin:
Bacchanalia begins when there is no law. And the government plays a different function. And essentially no one can be protected from greed, stupidity and ambition. At the beginning there was a fall in the euro, then a rise and then suddenly there were refugees, now the flow seems to be on the decline, the euro is also on the decline, when it goes up the inflow will increase. And then England goes down, followed by France and down. At the end, boom, bang, nein, nein, no, no. Ukraine will again start blaming Russia for all the deadly sins and that they were not allowed into the Eurozone. And the end of the fairy tale!

You've got it all in a bunch).

The law is written by the government for its subjects to steal and kill them with the help of this very "law", not out of sheer indifference. If you start to resent being pickpocketed or sent to some guadalupe to "defend the interests of the country", you get a piece of paper under your nose, see, it's not just for fun, it's the law) Don't you want it? Be welcome in the comfort of prison.

As for Europe, Russia, Ukraine, etc., this is not a topic for this thread, Barabashkin will come and disperse everyone, .... by the law))))))


You've got it all in a bunch).

The law is written by the government for its subjects to steal and kill them with the help of this very "law", not out of sheer indifference. If you start to resent being pickpocketed or sent to some guadalupe to "defend the interests of the country", you get a piece of paper under your nose, see, it's not for nothing, it's the law) Don't you want it? Be welcome in a cozy prison.

As for Europe, Russia, Ukraine, etc., that's not a topic for this thread, Barabashkin will come and disperse everyone, .... by the law))))))

What about fundamental analysis?
Alexey Busygin:
What about fundamental analysis?
Fuck it, people are waiting for you to review the world situation
Fuck it, people are waiting for you to give them an overview of the world situation.

No, that's enough political information for today, or they'll lock you up as a communist for propaganda, it's better to watch it after all.

I don't think there's gonna be any change in the eu tonight.

Alexey Busygin:

No, enough political information for today, otherwise they will close like a communist, for propaganda, it is better to watch it after all

I do not think there will be any changes in the eu today, we can sleep well!

The pound is trying to buy back at 1.5194.

Forward +0.0003 pips

Lyosha, go ahead and piss, the server is all over the pencil waiting for your revelations)))
The pound is trying to buy back at 1.5194.
That's it, going according to plan, let them try.

You've got it all in a bunch).

The law is written by the government for its subjects to steal and kill them with the help of this very "law", not out of sheer indifference. If you start to complain about somebody picking your pocket or sending you to some guadalupe to "defend the interests of the country", you get a piece of paper under your nose, see, it's not just for fun, it's the law) Don't you want it? Be welcome in the comfort of prison.

As for Europe, Russia, Ukraine, etc., it's not a topic for this thread, Barabashkin will come and disperse everyone, .... by the law))))))

Nah, Strange, you have to "protect the interests of the country". Except not every one of the nearly two hundred that exist today.

And I don't believe in Batka Makhno and "anarchy mama". They would still be sitting on branches, fighting for bananas. Although if you had to choose between a banana and an iPhone I would give preference to the first))))

Have you seen "Zeitgeist" by any chance?)))


Nah, Strange, you have to "protect the interests of the country". Only not every one of the almost two hundred that exist today.

And I don't believe in Batka Makhno and "mama anarchy". They would still be sitting on branches, fighting for bananas. Although if you had to choose between a banana and an iPhone I would give preference to the first))))

You haven't seen "Zeitgeist" by any chance, have you?))

What's that?)


You don' t have to watch something like that to come to such conclusions, you just have to see what's going on around you.

Дух времени
Дух времени
  • Didis 26 Апр Интересный очерк по религиям. Методы управления обществом грязные, но у создателя с его эпидемиями, паразитами, цунами, землетрясениями и т.п. не на много лучше. В Индии кастовая система держится тысячелетия без всяких...
Документальный фильм режиссера Питера Джозефа «Дух времени» рассказывает о религии, как мощнейшем психологическом контроле над человечеством, о политике, благодаря которой ведутся войны и некто зарабатывает на этом миллиарды долларов, о мировом финансовом рынке, которым управляет небольшая группа людей, о СМИ и масс-медиа, а так же об индустрии развлечений, которые отвлекают людей от размышлений на серьезные темы. Питер Джозеф рассуждает в своем фильме о том, кто и зачем создал религию? Ведь религия – эта та же политика, только с “благими целями”. Джозеф исследует мировую политику, а в частности политическое устройство США, в котором президент является лишь пешкой в большой игре. Проводит исследования войн и терактов, которые очень выгодны определенному кругу людей, зарабатывающих сумасшедшие деньги на продаже оружия. Анализирует нужность СМИ, цель которых – отвлечь внимание человека от важных проблем, затуманить сознание и притупить бдительность. Питер Джозеф так же проводит...