FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1238

Evgeniya Balchin:

There was some talk on audi, here, you can see there is higher too...went easily to 715, the high for today is 720 and then 725, but not today, big options capital pulling back a bit, but overall everything is higher.

If AUD is buying, it's somewhere around here or a little lower.

Actually it's going down.


You asked, I answered.

I see what they do, not what I want them to do.

Are they doing it right?

And what makes them think the price will be 77 in December? Did they look at the forfeit chart?


The old one is the australian Central Bank. only the australian Central Bank trades in these types of contracts. now the development is very simple:

option 1 is something similar to the franc. i.e. they will short the crowd and fuck it

2) they will just resell it and hold it till the pulse goes down or they close the whole thing on the middle.

Anyway, I'll explain it to you in a nutshell.
You have now bought a December option on Audi, strike 72, premium 300, you have paid a lot of money for it, that's one.
The December contract expires on December 4th. Let's say the price by then is 7490 and the premium is 350. Your earnings will be 50 pips and only if you sell it to someone before expiration, if not, your loss will be 300 pips.
Now another situation, you buy a call today at strike 70 with a premium of 2, the price several days before expiration is 7490, the premium is 200. If you sell it, you pocket 198 points, if not, you incur a loss of 2 points.
Are we clear?
Don't ask me how they know, it's up to them)
Roman Busarov:

The old one is the australian Central Bank. only the australian Central Bank trades in these types of contracts. now the development is very simple:

1 option is something similar to the franc. i.e. they will short the crowd and fuck

Option 2 they will just resell it and keep it till they lose heart or close everything on average.

themselves. That's cool, I didn't think of that))))))))))))))) I see what you mean, but can we stop having it?)))

If they discount it it will be seen.



(or empty pictures, they say....)

Anyway, I'll explain it to you in a nutshell.
You have now bought a December option on Audi, strike 72, premium 300, you have paid a lot of dough for it, that's one.
The December contract expires on December 4th. Let's say the price by then is 7490 and the premium is 350. Your earnings will be 50 pips and only if you sell it to someone before expiration, if not, your loss will be 300 pips.
Now another situation, you buy a call today at strike 70 with a premium of 2, the price in the days before expiration is 7490, the premium is 200. If you sell it, you pocket 198 points, if not, you incur a loss of 2 points.
Are we clear?
How do they know? Don't ask me, it's up to them.)

Not 7490, 7700.

I don't need to sell it,

If I buy one call at 70, I pay a 2 point premium.

if the price reaches 7490, I can buy a call at 70.

and sell it at 7490

7490 -7000=490-2=488

Option(lat. Option (lat.optio - choice, desire, discretion) - acontract whereby the buyer of an option (potential buyer or potential seller ofan underlying asset-commodity,security) acquiresthe right, but notthe obligation, to buy or sell the asset at a specific, predetermined, future date or interval of time. The writer of the option has an obligation to buy or sell the asset in accordance with the terms of the option sold.

Латинский язык — Википедия
В историческом развитии латинского языка отмечается несколько этапов, характерных с точки зрения его внутренней эволюции и взаимодействия с другими языками. Появление латыни как языка относят к середине II тыс. до н. э. В начале I тыс. до н. э. на латинском языке говорило население небольшой области Лаций (лат. Latium), расположенной на западе...

no need to make the koloputniks nervous...

they are probably preparing for the eu at 0760, the pound at 5106 and the chiff at 0120...

by the way, and the chiff has taken the said TR ...


Not 7490, 7700.

I don't need to sell it,

if i buy 1 call contract at 70, i pay a 2 pips premium

if the price reaches 7490 , I can buy 1 instrument at 70

and sell it at 7490

7490 -7000=490-2=488

Option(lat. Option (lat.optio - choice, desire, discretion) - acontract whereby the buyer of an option (potential buyer or potential seller ofan underlying asset-commodity,security) acquiresthe right, but notthe obligation, to buy or sell the asset at a specific, predetermined, future date or interval of time. However, the writer of the option has the obligation to sell or buy the asset in return, in accordance with the terms of the option sold.

This is not the case. In that case, you are entitled to take a loss of 300 pips. If at 70, yes, but if at 72 for a premium of 300 pips, as you said, you record a loss.

It's up to you to sell it, no one is forcing you to do so.

It is not like that. In this case you have the right to take a loss of 300 pips.

What loss? I already have a loss of 2 pips, if the price goes against me I will not lose more than 2 pips.

Do you understand the options correctly? Or are you confused?