FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1240


Paco, you asked me, "why don't I buy on strike 72 at a premium of 300-something?"

Now you're talking about strike 70 at a premium of 2.

You decide what you want, 300 or 2.

I didn't see that coming:)

Nah, not deaf)

Idon't get the pound again, yesterday it was 56 and today it's "51 to go" again.

I'd rather not say anything...

...every day...

Evgeniya Balchin:
on the pound is aiming for futures but is not letting capital in at option 1530... No reversal yet, so there is hope for a hike to 1527, and there towards the futures ... at which time the options will rebuild.

what is this chart - the red and blue bars are what? on the x-axis are the strikes seen ...


what is this chart - the red and blue bars are what? on the x-axis are the strikes ...

Distribution of money by price per price, as well as daily and weekly option.....
A lot has been written. What good can be done? Eureka topping up or would an audi refill be better?
A lot has been written. What good can be done? Eureka to buy more or would an audi dolly be better?
200 points lower...
A lot has been written. What good can be done? Eureka to buy more or would an Audi dolly be better?
To buy up! That would be good!
Alexey Busygin:
Until we buy it! That would be good!
Yes and the movement will be sideways! Heard it many times, know it).
Yes and the movement will be sideways! We've heard it many times, we know).
It will be, the question is which way?
The gold is running. Who didn't make it in time...)