FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1231


There's no such thing

if the strategy is without a tambourine

It's just that the main element isn't always taken where it should be, i.e. it's not subject to the exact location from which it can be taken.
Washington Times: Госдолг США при Обаме достигнет $20 триллионов
Washington Times: Госдолг США при Обаме достигнет $20 триллионов
  • 2015.11.01
Государственный долг Соединённых Штатов за время президентства Барака Обамы вырос почти вдвое и вскоре достигнет 20 триллионов долларов, сообщает The Washington Times — Когда президент Обама будет утверждать новый двухгодовой бюджетный план в понедельник, основное внимание будет сфокусировано на той части его наследия, о которой он не любит...
Roman Busarov:
It's just that the main element isn't always taken where it should be.

Drop the ToR in your inbox.

Roman . i.e. it is not subject to the exact location from which it can be taken.
If not there? Then there :))
If not there? Then there :))
and if not there and not there? =)
Roman Busarov:
what if it's not there and not there? =)
Then not there and not there, but there:))
So not there and not there, but there :))

what if it's not there either? =)

there's tararuram =)

Roman Busarov:

what if it's not there either? =)

there's tararuram =)

That's not how it works.
That's not how it works.


for eura lovers

Of course the extra filters have been removed.

Roman Busarov:

data cannot be programmatically calculated (unless half-bottom) people are trying... we'll see

here's a piece for you pound lovers

some of the data has been removed from the picture......

I've put everything out there piece by piece)