FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1105


And keep the euras.

Strange is the only one working! Well done!)
Anatoli Kazharski:

Good for you! But don't drink anyway. )


And read. ))

You've picked up a lot of nonsense, Tolyan!!! If you believe your chodramon (who, by the way, has very little knowledge of biochemistry in general, and wine-making in particular), then you should not consume bread and similar products - because there are "carcasses" with "excrement". You should ask yourself at your leisure, what the 3 kg of bacteria in your body produce. Don't just eat it out of fear...
Tol, 51 is up, I'm still farting.)
Happy birthday, angler!
Happiness to the fisherman!
To have a real bite!
And abstractly cool!

What's money to us? Money is dust,
We're not going to the Canary Islands!
What's important is that the moth grows
And the grouse grows fat!

A lead weight
On a fishing line...
So why don't we have some wine,
Beer, meat, vodka?
You've picked up a lot of nonsense, Tolyan!!! If you believe your chlomo (who, by the way, has very little knowledge of biochemistry in general, and wine-making in particular), then you should not consume bread and similar products - because there are "cadavers" with "excrement". You should ask yourself at your leisure, what the 3 kg of bacteria in your body produce. Don't get too frightened to eat...
Please elaborate, elaborate. It doesn't really work as an argument. It's just a splash. ;)

old me, i'm fucking nuts. we've known him for what, 5 years? you know, discipline. pilots or fleas....., you'll be fine.

it's my birthday. i want presents. 51.

happy birthday, I wish you lots of gingerbread!

Prove a theorem and publish it,

Make money on the forex and on the forum,

He'll do it all in time.

We know his name.

Eidler - kaput to all enemies.

Oh, what a writer I am... I can't stop, I've got another line:

Come and visit me in Moscow.

I'll treat you to a Jamison

What's a holiday without a song?

Comrade couldn't solve the derivative, He was sternly told: You mustn't take the Cauchy theorem, Gavurin (1) isn't pleased with You, You'd better prove the Cauchy theorem, Or you'll be sacked from Math.

He mumbled, but he was already unconscious, His eyes grew dim. He threw his tricky ticket to the floor, He fell, his heart went to zero. They tried to wake him up, but Yavec (2) said with a shake of the head, He was punished for his absent-mindedness.

All night in the Dean's office the deceased lay, Clothed in Peano's curve, Holding a square form in his hand And a sine on a vector. In the morning, as soon as the bell rang, His friends bade him farewell. Of vectors a cross, of astroids a wreath They laid on his body.

They tied an integral to his feet, they wrapped the corpse with a hyperbola. The deputy dean gave a eulogy, and many tears gleamed. The mother waits in vain for her son to come home, They tell her she will weep, But the sine schedule wave after wave
Along the abscissa axis.

Evgeniya Balchin:
Strange is the only one working! Well done!)
Yes, I am.
Thanks to the families, Zogman separately for inviting me, I've stopped loving the city. peter - once every three months. maybe turkey/egypt....

Well, congratulations from me too.

I've stopped loving the city. Peter - once every three months. maybe turkey/egypt....

If it wasn't for my family, I would have moved to somewhere in the suburbs, closer to Finland.



Eidler, I'm going to say one clever thing, but don't be offended, OK?

Drop the damn Jamison. Just switch to a clean product. Vodka! And only vodka!