FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 810

Sen! That's why I'm so in love with you.)
You've been saying goodbye to us all week in every post...
And then you come back.))
You shout that you're only using your nickname...
And then you answer...))
I can't believe it. ))))))) Burn !!!!!!!!!!!

Why are you guys hanging out here? (for nothing ))))) clowns))))) )

extra: a guy comes with a TA and runs into a misunderstanding (Azfaraon) - shit, it's dope )))))))))))))))))))


Why are you guys hanging out here? (for nothing. ))))) clowns))))) )

Hey, guys, check it out! Sensei's back! )))))))))))
Sen... Thank you ! From the bottom of my heart!
You're the best!

Teacher, speschelli fo yu....

SOT interpreter !!! (wow) ))))))))))))))))

Something similar was in the forecast on 22.08, but 0.70 was broken and the Asian markets collapsed, so the pullback is a bit later.

It is not good for you, O Luminary, to make excuses)
He'll be crying to the moderators again, telling us all to get banned... At least give me a green one.
It's not good for you, my Lordship, to make excuses.)
You smerd as if you were filing a petition!
You're like a petitioner!
Wow... Wow, Your Majesty! You're awake... Good morning! )))))
Wow... Wow, Your Majesty! Up and at 'em... Good morning ! ))))) hilarious...
there's a new game at the nuthouse )))). We should play ancient Egypt - especially Pharaoh! (sighs)
there's a new game in the nuthouse )))) We should play Ancient Egypt - all the more reason to have Pharaoh! (sighs)
Misunderstood geniuses! Make friends!
there's a new game in the nuthouse )))) We should play Ancient Egypt - all the more reason to have Pharaoh! (sighs without pomdela)
It's a sin to make fun of sick people.