FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 577

Back in the late 70s there was a peak in silver and gold. This run in the 00s saw gold and silver go up, but gold looks better than silver, it didn't even make it down to the last high of the 70s.

There was a story in the 70's when the Hunter brothers ran silver up hard.

I pon yen will be a nuisance to sellers, 125
I pon yen will be a nasty surprise to sellers, 125

and GS 130 for six months to a year.


Back in the late 70s there was a peak in silver and gold. This run in the 00s saw gold and silver go up, but gold looks better than silver, it didn't even make it down to the last high of the 70s.

There was a story in the 70's when the Hunter brothers ran silver up hard.

it was written that Buffett said silver used to always attract in crises - but now he's giving it up

can't find the link.


it was written that Buffett used to say that silver was always attractive in crises - but now he refuses to do so

I can't find the link.

Silver will clearly not be the demand it used to be. Due to shrinking demand, unless some new technology comes along where silver will be needed.

But, that does not mean that it will only fall.

1035 still won't let the eu down (30963 is shat on) ...

and don't get into the yen at all...

I'll give the sellers a nasty surprise.
Don't touch that one. if you see it, it'll stop. the time of the haymakers is over.

and don't get into the yen at all...

It's a good thing I figured that out. The only thing is that Idler got into it a little too early.

The tractor hasn't arrived yet)