FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 104

The theory of supramental comprehension of the market.
the whole thread is about nothing, the forum is specialised but not about trading.

You're all twisting things because you're trolls. I said literally if the entries are according to the rules of TS and it has a SL - then you do not need to think after entering.

Well, you don't have to think about every entry if the rules are formalized. In certain failures, a series of SLs, it may be necessary to think about the TS itself.

Wait a minute))) Answer about the colour! We're not tuning in to your wave))))
the theory of supramental comprehension of the market. the main thing is to make more spontaneous decisions," the students wrote down.
the theory of supramental comprehension of the market. the main thing is to make more spontaneous decisions," the students wrote down.


With certain failures, a series of SLs - may need to think about the TC itself.

When? When will that wonderful day come? When will YOU start thinking?

It is even difficult to imagine WHAT you will become at that moment, if even now YOUR rays are spreading to all sides of the universe and warming all the infinite space. )))

the whole thread is about nothing, the forum is specialised but not about trading.
It's quiet... alright... later)))
Sen! Thanks! I laughed heartily!)))
Let's split up...

You're all twisting things because you're trolls. I said literally if the entries are according to the rules of TS and it has a SL - then you do not need to think after entering.

Well, you don't have to think about every entry if the rules are formalized. In certain failures, a series of SLs, it may be necessary to think about the TS itself.

And before too? Teacher, please slow down, I'm taking notes. And let me ask you, why isn't the euro falling?

Speaking of the euro)))) a great time to trade on the coin)))) heads=up, tails=down. stop 10pts over the level))))

Anatoli Kazharski:

When? When will that wonderful day come? When will YOU start thinking?

It's hard to imagine what you will become at that moment, if even now YOUR rays are spreading to all sides of the universe and warming all the infinite space. )))

why are you texting me? go there and ask
Обучение трейдингу на рынке Форекс
Обучение трейдингу на рынке Форекс
Учитесь торговле на рынке Форекс с Альпари! Обучающие семинары Высшей школы трейдинга заинтересуют как новичков, так и практикующих трейдеров. К настоящему времени выпускниками нашей школы стали более 5 000 человек.
Alexander Zagryadskiy:

Speaking of the euro)))) a great time to trade on the coin)))) heads=up, tails=down. stop 10pts over the level))))

if you are an idiot then so are the others ? ))))) amateur. ))))