FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 57


the answer to those questions is also there. the currency market is first and foremost an exchanger - forEX, that's why currency pairs are traded. markets sell halves. well, what else needs to be explained - I don't understand it yet.

and how can the questions be of interest to the one who answers them (?) i'll pass.

1) the question is whether he is gaining a position or not, if he is not gaining a position - he does not give a fuck where the market is going - and it is not him who is moving the market, contrary to what you wrote,

for a start it would be good for you to understand that the main thing for mm is to make money on the spread

and for mm the best is when the price is standing still

2) mush in your head is such a good thing

if you don't have to, don't do me any favors


1) the question is whether he is gaining a position or not, if he is not gaining a position - he doesn't care where the market is going - so he is not moving it, contrary to what you wrote,

for a start it would be good for you to understand that the main thing for mm is to make money on the spread

and for mm the best is when the price is standing still

2) mush in your head is such a good thing

if you don't, don't do me any favours

yeah right now, to buy and sell the same thing are actually different things

1) the question is whether he is gaining a position or not, if he is not gaining a position - he doesn't care where the market is going - so he is not moving it, contrary to what you wrote,

for a start it would be good for you to understand that the main thing for mm is to make money on the spread

and for mm the best is when the price is standing still

2) mush in your head - such a good thing

if not - no need to do me any favours

If you read carefully the second file I sent you, I think you would have no questions... But it's not in that link anymore, it's been deleted. No one here specifically will tell you anything, if everyone knows, then how the money will be made.
If you read carefully the second file I sent you, I don't think you'd have any questions... But it's no longer on that link, it's been deleted. No one will tell you anything specifically here, if everyone knows, then how will the money be made.
there is a file at the link, no one has deleted it
there's a file at the link, no one has deleted it
It seems to me that everything is clearly described + understanding on the laughs and the honeycomb... maybe I'm wrong.... but there are no limits to knowledge, the more I read, the more I need to read.


and the most important thing is that the debt level does not melt down)

for that:

- withdraw gold as collateral (you can buy a lot of notes if you do not have enough)...

- accept them as reserve currency (obligatory)

- to make the exchange rate float (return the debt level at any time).

and then, koschei immortal (who is on the needle), i.e. the debt will never be repaid, yada yada yada ))))

And there is no such thing as physical gold... It's a no-brainer nowadays to have a gold-backed currency...

The IMF website has a shitload of what they owe...))). When it comes to business... it turns out that the default on Greece is not a default))) that part of the debt can be written off... etc... Anyway

fuck all these laws... They spin it however they want and do not jail anyone )))) sanctions against Russia and Europe... even though it's not allowed under the WTO... it turns out they can do it too )))) So Zugman has only the law... everything is fair))))


And there hasn't been that much physical gold for a long time... It's a no-brainer these days, gold-backed currencies...

The IMF website says they owe a shitload of money)))) When it comes to business... it turns out that the default on Greece is not a default))) that part of the debt can be written off... etc... so

fuck all these laws... They do what they want and do not lock anyone up )))) Sanctions are imposed on Russia by Europe... even though the WTO does not allow... it turns out they can do it too ))) So Zugman has only the law... everything is fair))))

he just doesn't get it yet. virtual trading is no shukhry-mukhry ))))
It seems to me that everything is clearly explained + understanding of the laughter and the honeycomb... i could be wrong.... but the more I read, the more I have to read.
the main thing is not to be disappointed
If you read carefully the second file I sent you, I think you would have no questions... But it's no longer on that link, it's been deleted. No one can tell you anything specifically here, if everyone knows, then how will the money be made.

You're contradicting yourself - the more you read, the more questions you have,

but on the other hand - once you've read it, there are no more questions... ))))))))


there are other questions not about the ECB

1) Is MM gaining a position or not - I think not, most think yes

2) Does MM move the price in the direction he wants or not - I think no, most think yes

3) MM and "smart money" (those who move the price) are the same people - I think not, and most think yes

4) the volume needed to move the price by X pips, this parameter is hardly a constant, but what does it depend on ?

it is clear how to make a simple estimate, but not sure if a simple estimate will work

why i think so - because i communicate with people who make mm, and most people listen to bullshit from "experts" who do not know where they get their "knowledge".

It seems to me that everything is clearly explained + understanding of the laughter and the honeycomb... i could be wrong.... but there's no limit to my knowledge. The more I read, the more I have to read.

the volumes of futures - a little influenced... weekly SOT reports (those are in lumps and with a time lag) - no... For the intraday options - no (have not looked further, but I do not believe it)))