FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 52

Saw the woodpeckers, thought Sensei was the best, but he wasn't.
stranger, is the buy zone, by euro, from CME or ninji? or from your own cup? I couldn't find any such figures on the CME website.... Totally dumb after reading this thread, such nonsense came out of my head))))

buy euros for quid,

so if you want to keep the eu against the quid - you have to buy euros and SELL quid - and if you don't have any - what do you do?

and the ECB does not print quid ...

that's the problem

You can't always guess where the exchange rate will go. There's no insider information. Even 10-1000 bucks won't shake the price, you can try to hike it and ... you won't notice anything.)

even if you find something on the net, it won't help because it's old information and no more.

You'd better use your brain and digest the situation you're being told about.

Dmitry Chepik:
stranger, is the buying zone, by euro, from CME or ninji? or from your own cup? I couldn't find any such figures on the CME website.... I got totally dumb after reading this thread, it's getting so crazy))))
This guy thinks he's going to take an economic and fundamental therapy course in a day )))))))))))))
Might still be interested to see zoghman://
this is the exchange rate based on which currency is converted for the Resident.
conversion for reporting purposes - as I understand it - not the actual conversion

If someone sells a heap of roubles and there is no buyer, the Central Bank of Russia will buy them because it is its direct responsibility, it mm by the rouble, if it does not do so,

then guess what will happen.

But I can't figure it out - that's the way it is - and if there is someone here who thinks that the question is simple and easy to answer, let them explain it to me:

1) you write -

and there's no buyer,

that's a lie - there is always a buyer!

And do you know who?

The buyer is me!

I'm always ready to buy a google rouble for 1 quid - I have one dollar - honestly (can you believe it ?) (on the contrary, I'm also ready and I have 1 rouble)

irrelevant remark: so what ? so i'm mm )))))))))))))))) only my spread is wide - well it is what it is

2) The only question is

how fast will the price drop to google to one,

with someone putting a huge amount of roubles on the market ...

which is one of the very questions I asked this morning and where it all started



FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015(продолжение)
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015(продолжение)
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015(продолжение). - Страница 52 - Категория: общее обсуждение

But I can't think of one - that's the way it is - and if there's anyone here who thinks the question is simple and easy to answer, let them explain it to me:

1) you write -

and there's no buyer,

this is a lie - there is always a buyer!

And do you know who?

The buyer is me!

I'm always ready to buy a trillion rubles for 1 dollar - I have one dollar - honestly (can you believe it?) (on the contrary, I'm also ready and I have 1 ruble)

irrelevant remark: so what ? so i'm mm )))))))))))))))) only my spread is wide - well, it is what it is

2) The only question is

how fast will the price fall to a trillion to one,

with someone dumping a huge amount of roubles on the market ...

which is one of the very questions I asked this morning and where it all started

It's not my problem, I'm not a doctor. I told you - the subject is closed.
Maybe this is still interesting see zoghtr://
Gaidar's granddaughter, Saakashvili is taking her to Odessa...
She says it will help her change Russia too)))