FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 50

No one's going to jail anyone))) .

Stross-Kahn almost went to prison - why would he do that - do you think it's really because of the girl?


to whom "they"?

The head of the ECB, like any other official, needs - more personal money, less personal risk -

if he is personally bribed to change the exchange rate - quietly, yes.

But if he moves the exchange rate "quietly" for the sake of the higher interests of the economy - that's bullshit.

For what and to whom... there is a clear example of the rouble a year ago... you can clearly see everything that was done quietly... who needs to know...

ECB has more instruments etc... The Fed has even more...

It seems to me that this is not the case. Perhaps the Central Bank of Russia simply does not have an Internet and has to set the ruble exchange rate every day. It is getting out of hand... You don't need any money for that, by the

I used to think that the "CBR exchange rate" was the rate at which someone could buy or sell quid from the CBR,

It's NOT.

This exchange rate is "indicative" and is used for reporting purposes.

NO ONE can buy or sell ANYTHING at it.

It seems to me that this is not the case. Although perhaps the Central Bank of Russia simply does not have the internet and therefore has to set the ruble exchange rate every day. It's getting fucked up ... By the way there is no money for
Or you))) Since 10.11.2014 "free floating" ... it used to be different...people were using it... I didn't...waited for it to run out...ran out)))

For what and to whom... there is a clear example of the ruble from a year ago... it's all perfectly clear from the off-stat + what was done quietly... who needs to know...

The ECB has more instruments and so on... The Fed has even more...

You may know something, I don't pretend to,

but it's probably just a glitch in your head.

It's been my experience that when a person can't explain something, he's usually deluded himself

and here you say a lot of clever words, pretending to be clever ...

But you can't answer a simple question - does the ECB have quid or not? You can't get smart here ... just yes or no and a link ...


I used to think that the "CBR exchange rate" was the rate at which someone could buy or sell quid from the CBR,

It's NOT.

This exchange rate is "indicative" and is used for reporting purposes.

NO ONE can buy or sell ANYTHING at it.

What the fuck does the exchange rate have to do with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck, I'm speechless.

If someone sells a fucking mountain of roubles and there is no buyer, the Central Bank of Russia will buy them because it's its direct responsibility, it's the rouble, if it does not do so, guess what will happen.

What the fuck are you playing at?

Otherwise the story

Stross-Kahn almost went to prison - why would he do that - do you think it's really because of the girl?

Of course it's a girl... there's 10 of these girls for each of them...))

What the fuck does this have to do with the course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck, I'm speechless.

If someone sells a fucking mountain of roubles and there is no buyer, the Central Bank of Russia will buy them because it is its direct responsibility, it mm the rouble, if it does not, then guess what will happen.

What the fuck are you playing at?



Well, maybe you know something, I don't pretend to,

but it's probably just a glitch in your head.

It's been my experience that when a person can't explain something, he's usually wrong himself

and here you say a lot of clever words, pretending to be clever ...

But you can't answer a simple question - does the ECB have quid or not? You can't get smart here ... just yes or no and a link ...

Central banks have nothing, no foreign currency, no gold, they exchange barnacles. Why ask these stupid questions?