FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 11

you're a trivial shithead, the report is out - bystanders off the track!
Why all of a sudden?)) Because you said you bought it yesterday at 0935? Sen, I don't give a shit 10 times, just don't lie to yourself, it's funny)))))
I have listened to Sigmund Freud))) I've listened to Sigmund Freud and made a conclusion that trading with news does not work or works unreliably)) / you try to catch positive or negative information that will set you in the right direction. And when you realise that the trend that a group of traders have been following panically is not true, they panically close everything/

Yes, that's right. You shouldn't do it the way most people try to do it. ;)

Trading on fundamentals requires a much more extensive analysis. Many people simply won't even be able to fully conduct such an analysis due to its complexity and volumetricity. They will stop half way and give up.

I've been listening to Sigmund Freud))) I've listened to Sigmund Freud and made a conclusion that trading with news does not work or works unreliably) )/ I try to catch negative or positive information that will set a trend. And when you realise that the trend that a group of traders have been following panically is not true, they panically close everything/

I'm not claiming anything.

I just found the material interesting - the profits of, for example, pension funds - they are one of the main players in the fund - if I understand correctly,

In general, there is a handy news aggregator - I like it - you can select countries, regions (business, sports) :

соцсети [Россия] ^ MediaMetrics: свежие котировки новостей
соцсети [Россия] ^ MediaMetrics: свежие котировки новостей
Рейтинг новостей MediaMetrics строится по количеству переходов на страницы новостей из различных социальных сетей.


In general, there is a handy news aggregator - I like it - you can highlight countries, areas (businesses, sports) :

You'll get even more confused in this news chaos. You'll just litter your brain with junk. And you bring that junk in here too. ))

I'm not claiming anything.

I just found the material interesting - the profits of, for example, pension funds - they are one of the main players in the fund - if I understand correctly,

In general, there is a handy news aggregator - I like it - you can select countries, regions (business, sports) :

a good news source, really
I'll shut you down for what? And get out of the rut! (Hey! Somebody!!! Administration!!! - Get the man in the valenki off the track! Before the start!)
Start)))) By the way, senya is short for sensei))))))))))))))))))).

So, gentlemen, are we going to bombard the resistance on the pound soon? // The lines have not changed, as it was showing before, it remains the same

Alexander Auzan, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University

RUB 15 trillion a year is needed torestore investment to pre-crisis levels.

Russian private businesses have annual profits of about RUB 14 trillion

The government has RUR 8 trillion in its hands. This is extremely low, but an attempt can be made to inject this money into the economy.

And in various forms, RUB 27 trillion is in the hands of the population. Again, not all of it is in liquid form: some of it is in depositories, safe deposit boxes and accounts. But it is very good money. Only the population is not investing. We have been involved in it twice and have gone bankrupt twice. The first time we played with pyramid schemes in 1993-1995, the second time - with people's IPOs in the early 2000s.

It turns out that there is money in Russia. The problem is how to use it so that it doesn't evaporate instantly, disappear offshore, disappear into currency, or disappear into the cauldron under the bed. The question here is first of all the level of trust in the authorities. If there is confidence, all sorts of schemes can be implemented to have enough money to maintain a normal level of economic development. Then we will not only achieve economic improvements, but we can reach the options of transition from the raw material rent to the economy based on human capital.

Мифы о России: есть ли у страны собственные средства на развитие - Газета РБК
Мифы о России: есть ли у страны собственные средства на развитие - Газета РБК
Свои деньги на развитие в России есть. Проблема — как их использовать так, чтобы они не испарились моментально, не исчезли в офшорах, не ушли в валюту или не спрятались в кубышку под кроватью. В новом цикле статей для РБК декан экономического факультета МГУ Александр Аузан обсуждает самые распространенные мифы о российской и глобальной...
report posted

Passed on... thanked... dance for you...

Anatoli Kazharski:

Yes, that's right. You shouldn't do it the way most people try to do it. ;)

Trading on fundamentals requires a much more extensive analysis. Many people simply won't even be able to fully conduct such an analysis due to its complexity and volumetricity. They will stop halfway and quit.

Did you do it? Tell me...