Impulse - page 15

Daniil Stolnikov:
It's more fun now ))

But still - where is the momentum here? Is it there? Can it be caught?

None of the drawings have what it takes to 'catch'.

So, there is nothing to catch in the market as it is shown on the draw ings. There are normal impulses. Not necessarily every hour. And it doesn't have to be every day.

Artyom Trishkin:

None of the drawings show what to "catch".

In short - there is nothing to catch in a market like the ones in the drawings. There are normal impulses. Not necessarily every hour. And every day - not necessarily.

Well, it's a pain in the ass )) or rather a waste of guano
Daniil Stolnikov:
it's a pain in the ass )) or more precisely a crock of shit - fuck it

Danila, what's going on here in a nutshell?

I get the feeling there's a lot of theorizing going on about the word impulse - call it a pot.

How will it make money - well, let's have a definition of momentum

What's the strategy?


Danila, what's going on here in a nutshell?

I get the feeling there's a lot of theorizing going on about the word impulse - call it a pot.

How will it make money - well, let's have a definition of momentum

what's the strategy?

I wrote and wrote - all down the drain... The server crashed!!!

nothing clear here yet))
Daniil Stolnikov:
I've been writing and writing and it's all gone down the drain... The server crashed!!!

I don't know what's going on here))
It's been clear to me for a long time. Even did it a year ago. Checking/testing. I saw a fish. I give a rod. ***** - so *****. I don't give a shit.
Daniil Stolnikov:
You're kidding, right? What averages? )) There's such a thing as a path. )) We're interested in the 2 extreme points and the path between them, over a period of time. We are interested in the current moment, not the past!!! Well there was a movement 1 tick ago, but at the moment it is over and the speed is zero!!!! This is what a true tick chart should look like:

It is perfectly visible that at the moment when the line is parallel to the horizon the speed, acceleration and other things are equal to zero!!! and there is no momentum at this moment!!!

P.S. Your MQL is crap!!! To do a simple task I spent the whole evening trying to figure out the bugs in the platform!!! Charts are wrong, everything else, respectively, leads to a succession of errors!!! We need to change something!!!
I'm telling you, a semblance of a Renko will end up.
I'm telling you, you'll end up with a Renko look-alike.
Yeah, there's probably something about this renko - isn't there, Renka? ))
Daniil Stolnikov:
Yeah, apparently there's something about this ren-ka - isn't there, Renka? ))
I still can't get a handle on when the momentum will be there and what will be the practical use of it?
But I still do not understand when the momentum will happen and what will be the practical use of it?

It is easier to test all possible impulses, from ticks to monthly TFs. Instead people will spend a lot of time, while the result of this chattering will be zero. To be more exact, the result will be negative, because the time has been wasted.

Wouldn't it be more correct to first look for pulses on the graphs and then look for their general characteristics rather than the other way round summarising formulas for an unformulated something?