Impulse - page 12


Of course, you can stubbornly deny the existence of a certain natural phenomenon... But the phenomenon itself is completely indifferent to your denial ;))

Олег avtomat:

You can, of course, stubbornly deny the existence of a certain natural phenomenon... But the phenomenon itself is completely indifferent to your denial ;))

We've already seen the miracle of your nature... ;) He really doesn't give a damn about us...
Daniil Stolnikov:
Here's a quick tick chart of the EURJPY:

Where's the speed and acceleration? Just a tick chart is not enough.

I wondered a bit above whether to count for each bar or for a pack of bars (a pack is several N bars in a row):

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategy testing


Karputov Vladimir, 2015.07.12 17:28

Now we need to discuss the formula HOW to count speed and acceleration. Main question: count for each tick or skip the same number of ticks (i.e. skip N ticks).

Daniil Stolnikov:
But here we have another question. What should we take as a reference point? If you compare it with a car, you can always say whether it is moving or standing still. It is the same with the price. How do we know whether it is moving or standing? How can we determine whether the price has slowed down or stopped? Or has it moved, stopped and moved again? Shall we consider a one-way non-stop movement? In which window? Again a second? 100 milliseconds?

Here's a good solution:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategy testing


Artyom Trishkin, 2015.07.10 19:54


Was comparing about 5 - 10 last ticks. As soon as their arrival rate has increased (compare the arrival rate of the beginning of the measured segment and the current rate, and the increase in the price difference of the next three to four ticks in one direction), we consider that an impulse has started.

Especially if it has exceeded some threshold, some average MA built on 20 - 30 ticks...

Karputov Vladimir:

Here's a good solution:

those same 10 ticks can easily fit into the picture above. If you take it as an impulse, it's not an impulse

and there are a lot of impulses like that!!! you can drain the deposit in seconds))
Man - it's always like this!!! Just when I'm about to do something, circumstances come up (( I have to go to work at lunchtime... If I make it to lunch, I'll make a speed chart.)
Daniil Stolnikov:
Man - it's always like this!!! Just when I'm about to do something, circumstances come up (( I have to go to work at lunchtime... If I make it to lunch, I'll make a speeding schedule.)
Not enough graphs. I need a description of the formula.
I was thinking about it at lunch - maybe there really will be a Renko look-alike... but not for sure.
Not my, from the Internet: Impulse price movements can be seen as a variant of flat violation. Rarely, a sharp price movement can be observed during a trend. The reason for the impulse may be the release of important news, as well as the appearance on the market of a very strong player with a huge amount of capital.

One of the main distinguishing features of a price impulse is the market's swift attempt to recoup losses, to regain positions gained by a sharp price movement. The forex trader has a real opportunity to make a profit on this correction, spending a minimum of time on the trade.

Forex momentum is a sharp movement in the market price, which can be directed upwards or downwards. As a rule, an impulse is represented on the price chart by several unidirectional stretched candles. The whole forex impulse strategy is more of a short-term strategy.