Market theory - page 41

Yusuf hang in there. American spy agents are a bunch-mala them here.....

You are overcomplicating things here (here, in this sentence), mixing things up and then simplifying the way the problem is solved. It's simpler than that: there is capitalism - enriching whoever is closest to the bank, as the banks (all of them) create financial bubbles. There's socialism - it's "one central opinion", without permission to have another. And there is the principle of "love, friendship and sympathy", which has existed since the creation of the world, which can be called CONTRACTIVISM - that is contract law. And there are absolutely ingenious quotes from Ronald Reagan about how contractivism is routinely destroyed by the state, replacing it with administration:

= Government always finds a need for whatever money is spent. (Government always finds a need for whatever money it gets.)

= Government does not solve problems; it subsidises them. (Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them.)

=Thegovernment's economic policy can essentially be reduced to a few short phrases: If something moves, tax it; if it still moves, regulate it; and if it doesn't move, subsidize it. (The government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.)

=Who are the communists? They are those who have read Marx and Lenin. Who are the anti-communists? They are those who have understood what they've read. (How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.)

=I'm not worried about the (budget) deficit. It's already big enough to take care of itself. (I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself.)

=The most terrifying words in the book: "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you. (The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.)

I am not against capitalism with a human face, which is the proper use of capital for the good of society, an organic and fundamental component of which is a properly organised competitive market, where society and the market balance their interests, such a market works for the good of society and society responds by developing such a market. An entirely different situation has been revealed in the structure and mechanism of the functioning of macro-markets, namely, the ignoring of the laws of supply and demand, in other words, the ignoring of the interests of the society, in which they live and function. What, however, has been revealed: - this treacherous essence and possibility of turning a competitive market into a monopoly by a bunch of financial power brokers, as I have repeatedly shown in this thread, and they can arrange this malicious operation any time, driving the unsuspecting basic scientists to the edge of a precipice If they would have tried to pull the same stunt with organizing a profitable situation at the expense of other market participants, or society as a whole, in a competitive real market, the real market would have bankrupted them immediately, no matter what resources they had. No, they took advantage of the secrecy and unrecognisability of the market and do whatever they want. I am sure that the price would have been different if the market would have remained competitive forever and would not have been harmful to society. I will soon find out how they manage to take such a huge machine out of the market by following the algorithm step by step. Now we have exactly the following situation: as I have already mentioned, a highly competitive, correct market with potential of 550 points on both sides, with the ability of the market to hit back with 500 points against the wrong participants, is artificially shifted to the sluggish mode of a monopolistic market, with the potential of minus 85 points and the ability to hit back with 50 points against the right, unruly market participants, who still believe in the rise of the euro. This is evident in the sluggish price action. Some seemed to find the strengthening of the euro unacceptable. I am sure they will manage to turn the market around and then, let the market go back into competitive mode and then say, see, the market is competitive!
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
I am not against capitalism with a human face, i.e., the proper use of capital for the benefit of society, an organic and basic component of which is a properly organised competitive market, where society and the market balance their interests, such a market works for the benefit of society and society, in response, develops such a market in every possible way. An entirely different situation has been revealed in the structure and mechanism of the functioning of macro-markets, namely, the ignoring of the laws of supply and demand, in other words, the ignoring of the interests of the society, in which they live and function. What, however, has been revealed: - this treacherous essence and possibility of turning a competitive market into a monopoly by a bunch of financial power brokers, as I have repeatedly shown in this thread, and they can arrange this malicious operation any time, driving the unsuspecting basic scientists to the edge of a precipice If they would have tried to pull the same stunt with organizing a profitable situation at the expense of other market participants, or society as a whole, in a competitive real market, the real market would have bankrupted them immediately, no matter what resources they had. No, they took advantage of the secrecy and unrecognisability of the market and do whatever they want. I am sure that the price would have been different if the market would have remained competitive and would not have been harmful to society. I will soon find out how they are able to move such a machine from the market path, step by step, through the whole algorithm. Now we have exactly the following situation: as I have already mentioned, a highly competitive, correct market with potential of 550 points on both sides, with the ability of the market to hit back with 500 points against the wrong participants, is artificially shifted to the sluggish mode of a monopolistic market, with the potential of minus 85 points and the ability to hit back with 50 points against the right, unruly market participants, who still believe in the rise of the euro. This is evident in the sluggish price action. Some seemed to find the strengthening of the euro unacceptable. I'm sure they will succeed in turning the market around and then, let the market go back into competitive mode and then say, see, the market is competitive!
100500 agree.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
....A completely different situation has been found in the structure and mechanism of macro markets, namely, the disregard for the laws of supply and demand, otherwise, the disregard for the interests of the society in which they live and function.What, however, we have found out: - this treacherous essence and possibility of transformation of the competitive market into a monopoly by a bunch of financial tycoons, as I have repeatedly shown in this thread, moreover, they can organize this pernicious operation at any moment, bringing the main, unsuspecting, market participants to the brink of an abyss. If they had tried this trick of organizing a highly profitable situation at the expense of other market participants or society as a whole in a competitive real market, the real market would have bankrupted them immediately, no matter what resources they had. No, they took advantage of the secrecy and unrecognisability of the market and do whatever they want. I am sure that the price would have been different if the market would have remained competitive and would not have been harmful to society. I will soon find out how they manage to knock such a giant out of the market by going step by step through the whole algorithm.....

Right, that's the New York financial mafia.

Here is the oil painting in silver:



And here's new proof of that: after years of debunking, ALL of the world's big banks are willing to plead guilty to the criminal offence of manipulating forex.

JPM, Barclays, other banks likely to plead guilty over forex: sources.

The parent companies or main banking units of as many as five major banks are expected to plead guilty to U.S. criminal charges over manipulation of foreign exchange rates, people familiar with the matter said....

It would be unprecedented for parent companies or main banking units, rather than smaller subsidiaries, of so many major banks to plead guilty to criminal charges in a coordinated action, the people said.


And here's new proof of that: after years of debunking, ALL of the world's big banks are willing to plead guilty to the criminal offence of manipulating forex.

JPM, Barclays, other banks likely to plead guilty over forex: sources.

The parent companies or main banking units of as many as five major banks are expected to plead guilty to U.S. criminal charges over manipulation of foreign exchange rates, people familiar with the matter said....

It would be unprecedented for parent companies or main banking units, rather than smaller subsidiaries, of so many major banks to plead guilty to criminal charges in a coordinated action, the people said.

In that case, I have every moral right to distribute the algorithm through the Marketplace service of Metakvots to an undetermined circle of people for a nominal fee. Then the algorithm will get the macro-markets back on track and the price will find its optimal value by balancing the interests and oscillating around it, and the economy will get a predictable impetus for development.
Alexander Ivanov:
Alexander, what is the idea of a Cauchy-based EA, if it is not a secret ?

Hilarious ))) one day it's 100K... one day it's 12...

and it'll end up like 18 )))) he'll give away freebies... just to have followers ))))


Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
In that case, I have every moral right to distribute the algorithm through the Metakvots Market Service to an undetermined number of people for a nominal fee. Then the algorithm will return the macro markets in the right direction and the price, by balancing the interests, will find its optimal value and will fluctuate around it, and the economy will get a predictable impetus for development.
You have the right, of course. But it is not that simple. You are in too much of a hurry about the practical significance of the results you achieved. That is, about the success of your scheme in describing all and any market movements. But in general, I think your way of thinking is correct. We still need to saw and saw to the practical result. I think so.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
The first euphoria passes pretty quickly -- from experience. But the useful dry residue should definitely stay.