a trading strategy based on Elliott Wave Theory - page 177

2 grasn
That's true, but I wrote my wish, not Jhonny's

Exactly, that's exactly what I meant. Maybe you also (if you are not stopped in time :-))) would like Alex to share his system ?
2 grasn
That's true, but I wrote my wish, not Jhonny's

Exactly, that's exactly what I meant. Maybe you also (if you are not stopped in time :-))) would like Alex to share his system ?

No way, I trust Alex as much as I trust myself. I suppose I have quite a modest wish, to which Alex will gladly respond.

And why stop me? I wrote earlier that I'm not interested in his strategy and I haven't seen anything attractive from his results so far, except for the Statment. I am interested in it, with your permission and of course Alex's. :о))
Alex Niroba а вы алгоритм давали где-то тут? было бы забавно поглазеть...
(правда реализовывать не стал бы: считаю, МТС должна быть примитивной и давать редкие, но надёжные входы. а для стабильности её нужно запускать одновременно на всех инструментах)

Tovaroved No, he didn't here.

Alex Niroba

Alexei, however, the reports show a great result! I am really happy for you! Not many people have the patience to learn how to trade.

how much time have you spent with charts or have you created a mathematical model first?

can you recommend any book on EVA? (unfortunately, i have not met any authors knowledgeable in the subject)
[/quote] And why stop me? I wrote earlier that his strategy is of no interest to me, and I have not seen anything attractive from the results so far, except the statment. I am interested in it, with your permission and of course Alex's. :о))

Just to let you know that the deposit has now been increased from 5k to $30,395 :)
<br / translate="no"> grasn just to let you know that the deposit has now been increased from 5k to $30,395 :)

Good for you. :о)
it seems that people who know how EVA works not only don't write books, they don't sit on forums either...
that's funny...

and another interesting thing...
often people who have finally come to understand that the market is described by a single formula behave in forums as "the smartest" and don't even think about trying to derive that formula... ;)
Losing relevance
It seems that people who understand how EVA works not only don't write books, but also don't sit on forums...

I won't say anything about forums, but find books by Robert Miner and Tom Josef. The first is the creator of Dynamic Trader, the second AGET ( Adwansed Gunn Elliott Trader) - two quite recognized programs that allow practical trading using Elliott principles, Fibo ratios and more....
By the way, the AGET targets from three days ago worked out with good accuracy. DT was showing the current swing down yesterday, AGET still sees the end of the fifth wave on the eu and pound somewhere to the north.

Good luck.
ZS while writing - rushed to AGET's targets.
One of the reasons why I don't like Elliott's theory in its "pure form" is that there are ambiguously interpreted rules. Here (with these authors) everything is completely unambiguous and can be tested against history. Although, if you take the AGET markup - as of the day before yesterday he was giving the end of the fifth wave. Yesterday the market got there and AGET changed the markup - now it sees the end of the current third wave, an approximate rollback zone (4th), and further target as the end of the current fifth. (By the way, this thing counts the probability of reaching targets in the fifth wave - Profit Taking Index PTI - it is their development). This was for yesterday - I did not upload any data to AGET today. But the trader is already in the market, and he just has to go either to the target or to the stop....
Here is the theoretical basis of this type of markup, the principles of separation of waves by MACD, etc., is described by Tom Joseph. Although, one has to admit that it is not exactly EVA.

The following trends.
Vladislav, looked at your account: {Tests, Login : 98659}, out of 10,000 there are 45 left. I take it that you have temporarily removed your Expert Advisor from trading without closing the current position? Please comment if you see fit.

PS: Looking at the detailed account, you can see that the Expert Advisor was mostly giving money away. Have you managed to find any weaknesses in the expert?
I'm just 'straightening it out' on that account - I wrote above. And yesterday I actually took it off, without even looking at the account.
As for the Expert Advisor: there is still a problem there - yesterday I was straightening it - today I am running it on the tester. The breakout and reversal conditions on several channels conflicted (those conditions that were for the line channels are not good for the quadratic ones, because the channel itself may change the instantaneous slope - let's call it that) and when breaking the working channel instead of turning around with a short loss the position was simply ignored. Here I corrected it - I'm trying to test it. :). I will see, as soon as I get something good in the tester, I will show it to me again in demo real time.

Good luck.