Error number 6 - page 24

First results:

10:25:27 startet new thread
10:25:27 thread start
10:25:27 timeout (180 sec)

10:25:51 startet new thread
10:25:51 thread start
10:25:51 timeout (180 sec)
First results:<br / translate="no">
10:25:27 startet new thread
10:25:27 thread start
10:25:27 timeout (180 sec)

10:25:51 startet new thread
10:25:51 thread start
10:25:51 timeout (180 sec)

Same eggs, only in profile... :)
Slawa, are you even interested in my logs and statistics?
Because you write and nothing seems to change.
If you need, I can send the logs - tell me not to waste my time.

And in general - the same error #128, TradeIsAllowed returns false, and even one #6 appeared =)
Otherwise, you write and nothing seems to change. <br / translate="no"> If you need, I can send logs - tell me not to waste my time.

And in general - the same error #128, TradeIsAllowed returns false, and even one #6 appeared =)

This problem is very rare with us. But it happens. As soon as you start to debug one step at a time it immediately disappears. so we're studying all the logs sent to us
An update of the client terminal with some changes to the terminal connection status monitoring function has been uploaded to
An update of the client terminal has been posted at with some changes to the terminal's connection status monitoring function.

is it to be downloaded again? or is there no point?
An update of the client terminal with some changes to the terminal connection status monitoring function has been posted at

Downloaded and installed yesterday under MQ and Alpari (both demos). Ran the EA under MQ. Yesterday evening and at night everything was working like out of a cannon. I rode the EA today and felt horrified with all timeouts and error 128. Now I am using the same Expert Advisor in MQ and Alpari with some additional diagnostic on position opening/closing/modifying. Let's see what happens.
По адресу выложено обновление клиентского терминала с некоторыми изменениями функции контроля состояния подключения терминала.

is it downloading again? or is there no point?

there is a point. it looks like we found the problem. we have made a fix. however, since the timeout error is not reproducing, you need to verify that there is no problem with you.
make sure it is marked 183 beta 05 Oct
Preliminary - I have errors when executing OrderClose under MQ and Alpari. OrderSend and OrderModify on market orders work fine. I have not checked for pending orders (Expert Advisor works on the market). The build of 04.10. I have not downloaded the new one yet, since it is being tested on the demo.
Testing for 24 hours.
No more errors seem to appear.
Lots of comments are issued and all operations go through without errors.

One time it happened that the EA corrupted the file in which the profit is written.