Error number 6 - page 17

Let's try to get to the bottom of this problem.
Can you please tell me if there is a prize for the author of the longest thread in the forum?

Quark, author of "bug number 6" :)
I think so. Key to MetaTrader 4 Mobile! Please give me your email address.
All that's left is to find this error and fix it.
All that remains is to find this error and correct it. <br / translate="no">

Tried to place orders automatically - bummer. Doesn't do it and doesn't report any errors. Everything works fine in manual confirmation mode. The build of 14.09. 2 Renat: I can try on Monday on MQ, Alpari and Penata demo to track WinDump connection statistics and send you the packaged dump log, along with MT logs itself, on the current build and on 183rd pre-release. It may help if you can read the dump log.
I've got error 6 on my 180 build of 12 August too...
<br / translate="no"> I think so. Key to MetaTrader 4 Mobile! Please give me your email.
All that's left is to find this error and fix it.

E.mail is in registration details. MetaTrader 4 Mobile - not sure I need it. I am a sucker for heavy artillery. But thanks anyway.


P.S. And the prize is better in pips :)
Deleted by me.
Deleted by me.
P.S. And the prize is better in pips :)

Tell them to make the spread at Alpari negative =)
П.С. А приз - лучше в пипсах :)

Tell them to make the Alpari spread negative =)

Or else tell them to make Alpari's spread negative :)

Anyway, today error number six happened five times in a row and did not allow the Expert Advisor to open an order. Alas... The build is old - not a new beta.