Make your first million - page 189

Alexandr Murzin:
What's the point of these lectures? Read the title of the thread.

Why these questions?

The topic starter asked me, I answered.

Alexandr Murzin:
What is the point of these lectures? Read the title of the thread.
Interesting information is interesting everywhere, and all the threads in this forum stray much further from topics than three sigmas
202 pages too lazy to read, would you be so kind as to tell me if the man made a million or not?
Ruslan Polyn:
202 pages too lazy to read, would you be so kind as to tell me if the man made a million or not?
Lazy to answer)
Alexander Laur:
If it had worked, the context of the posts would have been different! :)

I knew it, the crystal ball of hope burst in my eyes :-)



Pound is shorting like Strange wrote or what ? it's in a channel - while shorting and closing - already ten times ...

Ruslan Polyn:
202 pages too lazy to read, would you be so kind as to tell me, has the man made a million or not?

Danila the "craftsman" doesn't make the stone flower...

Not on the 97th day, nor will it ever come out again.

Alexandr Murzin:
What is the point of these lectures? Read the name of the thread.
It's about making a million. But in order to make a million, you have to have information. So any valuable information is always welcome!


Pound is shorting like Strange wrote or what ? it's in a channel - while shorting and closing - already ten times ...

Strange has already closed as I recall. I hold the sale for now. Although, I'm starting to doubt.) Haven't looked at the Koloputs today, no time for that yet.
Daniil Stolnikov:
A thread about mining a million. But in order to mine a million, you have to have information. So any valuable information is always welcome!!!

There you go. You couldn't be more valuable. ))