Make your first million - page 15


Where does the pendulum swing from the manic to the depressive phase?

There was a similar theme a hundred years ago on the fourth forum, and there was also an Excel file with a plan, but only 5% a day. Somehow the miracle didn't happen for anyone.

Tired of repeating - if you have not seen how I do it then you have not seen anything :-D

Were there a lot of them in that legendary branch? ))
If there is not a million in 90 days --mmmoguschiy's profile will be deleted
And if it does -- it will be deleted :-D

No, my signal gives a miserable 100% p.a., and if you don't take much risk, it's 50%. I'm no match for millions.

But the story of Guyavata is very instructive.

And it looks like there's going to be a sequel...

Waiting for your million...

I was wondering, when and by whom was the story of Guyavata made up? Was it already there and just a coincidence? :-D
If there's not a million in 90 days --mmmoguschiy's profile will be deleted.
And by the way, it's not 90, it's 97. Actually, it's 100.)

As for deletion, I'll take care of that myself. :-D
In theory, you could instantly cross the entire universe and be on the edge of it, but in practice there are many insurmountable obstacles.

Waiting for your million...

Whoa whoa whoa, take it easy!!! I have no intention of sharing - it's MY MILLION :-D
Tired of saying - if you haven't seen me do it then you haven't seen anything :-D

Were there a lot of them in that legendary branch? ))
Nobody showed their results there, but it was clear from some indications what the activists did well.
No one showed their results there, but it was clear from some signs that the activists had succeeded.
There was also Alexander, who increased by 100 times, which was a fact, though he wiped out the equity drawdown.
No one showed their results there, but it was clear from some of the signs that the activists had succeeded.
So not interesting :-D
In theory, it is possible to cross the entire universe in an instant and find yourself on the edge of it. but in practice, there are many insurmountable obstacles.
I know - you are with me, friends! Together we will overcome everything :-D