How to get to the front page of the Market - page 12


I can easily imagine.

How you are different from another vendor who sells crayfish for $10 but very small, and you sell for $50,000 but very large, if you see a difference - it's discrimination, it's a vendor like you.

No offense, but it's for the sake of the market.

Saw this back in the 80s, a very good one.

I too once wrote prog-i for $20-30. My son in his 4th year also started writing prog for $10 in Odessa. There's nothing wrong with that. It's even interesting.

These programmers do not bother anyone, and let them earn millions. My point is different.

Imagine that you go to a Samsung or Fillips shop and suddenly you see: there's a TV for 10$ or it says "free". Isn't that ridiculous.


I saw this back in the 80s, a very good one.

I, too, used to write prog-i for $20-30. My son in his 4th year also started writing prog-i in Odessa for $10. There's nothing wrong with that. It's even interesting.

These programmers do not bother anyone, and let them earn millions. My point is different.

Imagine that you go to a Samsung or Fillips shop and suddenly you see: there's a TV for 10$ or it says "free". Isn't that funny.

Honestly, it's not funny - it's just good luck to get a TV for $10 :)

Maybe you and I have a different sense of humour - one possibility is that we misunderstand each other.)

I gotta go to bed. See you all in the morning.


The conversation has somehow drifted away - from getting to the front page to changing the sales model.

Comparisons to actual products are inappropriate. What is relevant are comparisons with other software marketplaces, where we see that even on the most respected branded sites, free and $1 software is normal.


The conversation has somehow drifted away - from getting to the front page to changing the sales model.

Comparisons to actual products are inappropriate. What is relevant are comparisons with other software marketplaces, where we see that even on the most respected branded sites, free and $1 software is normal.

By and large, everything is relevant. Although if the account is small ....

What's wrong with a $10 TV?

The question is why?

When you buy a fridge, they give you a microwave for 1 rouble as a gift.

The program and the TV are not compatible.

I spent 24 hours to write a program once, I don't spend more time.

Determined the average cost of the program and put it out for 10 quid, or for free if you have not spent much effort to write it!

If the programmer will sell all the goods - then he will not buy (will buy? ) . When 90% of it is free, and only some programs charge money - this model works.

PR with free software? why not????????

who would want to hide it? you have made a program - it's shameful to charge money for it - so you get it for free. if you want something better, you have to pay for it. If it's free, then it is rubbish? what a load of crap!

I just came from the service station, I went to the mechanic, he said let's go for a ride. He listened to the car and said - no big deal, nothing needs to be changed. He said that the gauge over there should be examined and replaced if necessary. Everything is OK. He looked under the bonnet, felt the hoses, everything is OK! He checked the oil, the plugs ............ and nothing, he didn't charge anything, is that funny? A breeze job? But 99% of shops charge only for the check-up and then make a list of replacement parts. And you're shocked. And here - nothing needs to be changed and the service inspection is free.

That's the MASTER!!! And you want to go to him every day because you know he's not an...........

There was a wonderful magazine about computers - Game.EXE. It was wonderful because it described new and "classic" games, hardware, etc. in great detail. Words can't describe the feeling when you hold this magazine in your hands, the magazine had that effect that you can't let it out of your hands all the time: sitting on the couch, lying in the bathtub, chewing fat pancakes in the kitchen, and, yes, sitting on the toilet with a cigarette in your teeth. What makes this magazine such an insane success? - Because everyone who reads it gets what they want out of it. That's what it's all about. For example, games were rated in categories of gameplay, graphics, story, etc... Also, reader feedback worked very well, most articles were formed based on the wishes in letters (simple ones, those made of paper). In those days the Internet was slow and expensive. I used this magazine to build my first computer, having studied in detail all the components that made it up, and when I went to a computer shop I had a clear idea of what I wanted...

The first sign, in my opinion, of a "step in the wrong direction" was the appearance of articles about consoles. The magazine's editors thought they knew what the reader was interested in. In short, the magazine is dead.

Times are different now - only 10-15 years have passed and people are now living at a completely different pace, with different values and desires. But the basic principle of successful business remains the same - every customer must find something he likes (the most successful business focuses not on the majority, but for everyone!).

Why does every car manufacturer have a whole line of models? - To reach every customer. Yes, there are manufacturers targeting a certain range of customers (ferrari lamborghini and some others), but their total revenue is no match for those who offer a wide range. This (widening the range of customers) is what the trend of merging companies is all about. What do Autodesk, Lenovo, Wolksvagen, Google, nVidia have in common? The takeover of competitive businesses has a secondary goal, the main one is to get as many consumers as possible, with their very different needs and ideas of what they need.

Let's move on... Right now, what do we do when we want to buy a laptop or a phone/smartphone, for example? - Go to any online shop (or physical, the one with live consultants). There are many of them now. We look, we compare. In which of them are more likely to buy something? - The one with more choice. And among the ones with more choice, which one? - The one, where we can use various forms and filters (producer, OS, number of processor cores, etc) to choose exactly what we need. And where there is no way to choose a product using filters, the buyer leaves, but why, because here they are the highest-rated products on the shelf? - Because the buyer can not find exactly what he wants (and often the buyer has a very vague idea of what he wants, for this filter and sorting and conceived).

Everything can be sorted and categorized. Including EAs, indicators and, pardon me, performers in freelancing. Tools for custom classification of everything and everything on exist, but they are in the embryonic stage. Why, for example, "Achievements" is not used in any way? In my opinion, almost every step of a user of this resource should be recorded in the appropriate cell (visited forum threads, number of articles written by him, absolutely everything). This forms a user profile. Accordingly, the profile can be used to select the product in the Market (drawing an analogy with the manufacturers from whom I would not buy anything out of any purely personal considerations)

Elementary, why every now and then there are posts by newcomers in those threads where they look, to put it mildly, inappropriate? - Because in spite of the available forum sections and search through the forum it is difficult to navigate in all this mountain of information.

And you don't need all sorts of GAs to form an individual user profile. A multi-criteria profile indicator would suffice.

Bottom line: you need criteria for everything on the forum, whether users, programmers or programs. For everything. Then everyone will find that (or that) which is interesting to him/her. Then there will not be tragic cries that the forum is not what it used to be and that the grass is not what it used to be...

The storefront (and in general for everything the user needs to navigate) should be divided into 3 parts:

1. products recommended by the administration (it's up to her to decide which products she wants to list).

2. items can be filtered and sorted by user (the more criteria, the more likely they are to be found).

3. products selected at random.

Optionally, a 4th part can be added where items are automatically generated based on the user's individual profile (something similar to today's Achievements).

That's the only way the reader will find a read to his liking, the writer will find his reader, and every product will find its customer. And there won't be much point in tearing up the opa to get to the top (a product in the marketplace, a signal, a freelancer) anymore.

Магазин торговых роботов, индикаторов, книг и журналов - MetaTrader Market
Магазин торговых роботов, индикаторов, книг и журналов - MetaTrader Market
  • reviews: 6
MetaTrader Market - a Market of trading robots, indicators, trading books and magazines

Let's move on... Now, for example, to buy a laptop or a phone/smartphone, what do we do? - We go to some online shop (or tangible store, the one with live consultants). There are many of them now. We look, we compare. In which of them are more likely to buy something? - The one with more choice. And among the ones with more choice, which one? - The one, where we can use various forms and filters (producer, OS, number of processor cores, etc) to choose exactly what we need. And where there is no way to choose a product using filters, the buyer leaves, but why, because here they are the highest-rated products on the shelf? - Because the buyer can not find exactly what he wants (and often the buyer has a very vague idea of what he wants, for this filter and sorting are designed)

Not quite the right comparison: laptops, for the most part, continue to perform as advertised by the manufacturer, unlike sales robots )

But filters are necessary.


not quite the right comparison: laptops, for the most part, continue to work as advertised by the manufacturer, unlike trading robots )

oh filters are necessary.

i meant that experts will remain experts after purchase, indicators will remain indicators. and whether the Expert Advisors will be profitable is as uncertain as the fact that the notebook will be relevant in a year.

don't be picky, you do understand these things. :)

forexample: no self-respecting store can do without a filter panel like this anymore:

and is there a top? - there is no top because you don't need one .

It's not about how the laptop or robot works, it's about how you can choose products to suit ANY taste ! :)

That's what I'm talking about, you picked the right one for your tastes, and it sure as hell didn't taste the way you picked it out.

Then a big fuss will break out about filters working in the wrong way and filtering out anything you don't want. And you want the usual way that would immediately pay money into your pocket (Such a filter will (immediately into the pocket)? ))

I am not against filters.