How to get to the front page of the Market - page 10


OK, then what is your vision of the Market as a service in general? Perhaps we are looking at it from different perspectives. Do you see it as a business? Or as a stage for young talent to perform?

You missed an important point - our sales commission is 20%. This is business.

From a business point of view I don't see anything strange in my suggestions. Have you ever seen a marketplace offering outlets for free to everyone? It's scary to imagine what it would be like then. In any business, the entrepreneur "pays before he sells anything", bearing the market risk. What's so strange about that?

We don't offer for free.

We receive a 20% commission on sales and have a vested interest in both good sales of bestsellers and the birth of new stars. The desire not to miss out on the birth of good products is what makes us think about sensible rotation.

Perhaps the option of a ruthless battle of all against all in the Apple AppStore is a good idea to maximise Apple's profits. It's almost impossible to find anything in their shop anyway, the tops are occupied by bestsellers/bestdownloaders, and new products are caught by special sites with thematic reviews. In other words, you only search for the right programme by name.

Our product base is smaller and so far we are able to invest in additional promotion of the whole list. And no one says that the rotation is even. Rotation is based on dozens of non-linear components that find and raise decent products.

We will do this ourselves, as otherwise public discussion will lead to inevitable inflated figures.


I'm afraid that for 99% of users we have no track record.

We are talking about the deeply sleeping mass of traders who don't visit the site at all. For them we are launching mechanisms to buy services and products without registering at all. Otherwise they do not react in any way.

So, the challenge is the same: how to make the TOP automatically and intelligently rotate so that it does not disadvantage the best sellers but also gives others a chance to rise?

Perhaps a good enough option (with zero sorting and analytics costs) would be to randomly rotate 50% of the top at all. Or perhaps leave the top as it is.

Remember recently Vlad complained that customers don't leave reviews, I'll say more, customers don't even rate, they're bored.

Just rating and review is just an appeal to a social user, but why on earth would a user thank a developer with a review or rating when he has already thanked him with a ringing coin.

The user is free to buy and forget, he (with few exceptions) does not feel obliged.

Appeal to the individual benefit of the user. Our minds are already fragmented by all sorts of ads and attention shifting.

Give the user on the forum a chance to order his world, and he will thank you with an insider of pent-up demand.

That very demand you will be able to relay from a narrow forum audience, to a wider advertising audience of terminalists.

There is one nuance in my suggestion, having personalized ratings you will be able to, weigh the rating by the amount of money spent by user in MQ payment.

As we know newbies are always interested in what bafetas spend their money on.


Stop with the "cure". No product gives you a 100% guarantee that it will make money, no matter who pokes it where! Give me the standard, the product that steadily profits.

Why does it have to make money? There are indicators, scripts that perform some useful functions. So I'm talking about them. This is a working tool for the trader. And it's up to him how he will use it.

Normal system based on the market fundamentals (yes, that's possible, but not for Forex), that has an auto-adaptive algorithm, etc., And if it is just a successfully fitted pseudo-grial or a hunter of non-market quotes in some death-card... then why not sell if your conscience allows it )


Add subsections to each of the sections like this:

  • Experts
  1. Trending
  2. Counter-trend
  3. Reverse
  4. Grids
  5. Graders
  6. etc.
  • Indicators
  1. Trend
  2. Level
  3. Oscillators
  • Utilities
  • Analyzers
  1. prompts
  2. notifiers
  3. markers
  4. etc.

I have a tough time reading the descriptions of indicators, because they are too complicated to keep track of all of them.

you should be able to see more or less what's in the subsection

ZS: and in general there needs a good salesroom manager )


I'm afraid that for 99% of users we have no track record.

We are talking about the deeply sleeping mass of traders who don't visit the site at all. For them we are launching mechanisms to buy services and products without registering at all. Otherwise they do not react in any way.

OK, now you are talking about buying through the terminal, but what about buying a product from the site without registering?

There is no filter by product price.

No filter for the number of purchases either.

No filter for stars

Reduce the delay between hovering over the product logo and the appearance of the text.

Add subsections in each of the sections like this:


Yes, this point has been obscurely left out. Why is there no structured product tree?

It's clear that there will be" miscellaneous" as well as "all in one". But no small part will be streamlined.

And it would be easier for the rotator to spin. Probably.


Monopolies of what? Useful goods? I have already said in previous posts that bullshit is first and foremost something that the author himself does not consider useful. He puts it out there simply by taking advantage of the fact that it's free. He does not bear any risk. But if someone accidentally clicks on a wrong place and buys his product, he will get profit. Does it make sense?

Comrade Petros has drawn a good analogy with homeless people who bring all sorts of junk from the trash in the hope that someone will buy it. So Market will gradually turn into such a trash, if the concept is not changed. It should not be a free warehouse for storing junk, but a platform for doing business with a certain threshold of entry.

Reading your, how shall I put it gently... Opus... your opuses, and a suggestion arises to you: lay out here your vision of the usefulness / uselessness of these or those products. And who told you that free products don't benefit consumers and sellers alike?

Point the finger at us all at the useless slag/junk/pomo/ bombshell_bricks in the Marketplace. Let's see.

Well, just an example. Thirty pieces of useless junk. Or better yet, a hundred, two hundred specific products.

And give examples of good, necessary goods. Ten, or better still, thirty to fifty.


Yes, this point has been obscurely left out. Why is there no structured product tree?

It's clear that there will be" miscellaneous" as well as "all in one". But a not inconsiderable part will be ordered.

And it's easier for the rotator to rotate. Probably.

It's supposed to go without saying, it's the same in shops, the products are grouped into single-type ones, and they in turn are in sub-sections.