How to get to the front page of the Market - page 3


Dear administration. Can you explain how the rating of the programme to get on the first page is calculated?

For example, if the programme, expert advisor is cheap, then it is not destined to be on the first page?

Suppose I put a product on the cheap. The price is small, I sold it about 15 times a week, but it did not appear on the first page,

And if a product with a high price, enough to sell it once every 3 months, and it hangs on the front page for a long time.

How to get on the first page of Market?

We have to bribe the administration ... )


Yes, many people are burdened by all these formalities of writing reviews, describing something there, giving marks... It's easier to say a couple of things on a forum and that's it, without any extra pathos.

And someone who doesn't understand the product may write all sorts of nonsense in a review. He or she would be immediately corrected on the forum and told what he or she was wrong about. But the review will hang there and be confusing.

And kickbacks to users for deleting negative reviews - there was already a thread on this topic, a real situation was cited, and I think such cases are not uncommon. In general, if the rating is based on reviews, this can significantly distort the picture.


How to get to the front page of the Market?

I'll have to pay the administration ... )

Exactly, it makes me think so too ) If there is no transparency, it is always fraught with fraud and corruption

I have not written 95% you are fed up with your guesses and so on, if you do not do well in the market, then do not respond in a topic that does not concern you.

And my products are already at the top. I asked how the top is calculated,

And knowing ahead of time that you're going to start messing around, I say, "how to get to the top" and "how the top is calculated" have the same meaning. .

1. You're a snarky one -- you're being rude, you're poking, you're lying, you're making excuses -- manners, I can't help it.

2. You said:


how many products have sold (a lot of) 5% reviews

-- that's the same as saying 95%.

3. and i didn't find your products in the top -- i reviewed all the tops both with and without filters.

4. since i am not registered in the market, my business in the market does not go and does not plan to go in any way.

that's why -- I am an independent observer at the market and can and do write "as is".

5. By the way, Vladon, I can provide constructive criticism of your products - it's not a problem for me, it's even fun.

Exactly my thoughts exactly. ) If there's no transparency, it's always fraught with fraud and corruption.

Well, well, all that remains is to find out how much they earn - so as to know how much to offer :)

Maybe a good product should start selling at ten dollars, and then as it gets to the top, will gain reviews - gradually increase its value, proportional to sales

Maybe a good product should start selling at ten dollars, well, then as it gets to the top, gathers reviews - gradually increase its value, in proportion to sales
Yes he will not get to the top. All the seats have already been bought). All the beavers, chickens, elephants and other things... someone's clearly running this whole zoo.)

Well, well, all that remains is to find out how much they earn - so as to know how much to offer :)

Maybe a good product should start selling at ten dollars, and then as it gets to the top, gathers reviews - gradually increase its value, in proportion to sales

I do not understand? This is a suggestion, a recommendation, or a thought out loud? Where is the question mark "?
It's not going to make the top. It's all already bought.) All the beavers and chickens and elephants and things... someone's clearly running the whole zoo.)

I don't believe it, and you can't even make me believe this nonsense.

Funny about the zoo :)

I do not understand? This is a suggestion, a recommendation or a thought out loud? where is the question mark "?

This is a recommendation if you want a suggestion - well, in general, it works in almost any "sales" business

I forgot to add that in any case, the product should be promoted, I am well aware that this takes time and some costs - such is the reality of this business

I sincerely wish everyone to achieve their goals


1. You're a snarky one - you're quick to insult, poke, lie, make excuses - manners, you can't help it.

2. You said:

-that's the same as what 95% of you wrote.

3. I couldn't find your products at the top -- I looked at all the tops with and without filters.

4. since i'm not registered on the market, my business on the market is not going and does not plan to go in any way.

that's why -- I am an independent observer at the market and can and do write "as is".

5. By the way, Vladon, I can provide constructive criticism of your products - it's not a problem for me, it's even fun.

yes, I'll give you a link and it will go straight to "advertising".

I am not trying to do that, if there is no answer on the subject, please - do not be rude to me. I do not shout in every thread - how you do your job...........

I am always happy to receive constructive criticism, as long as it is constructive and not written sarcastically.