How to get to the front page of the Market - page 8


You have some kind of socialist ideals. There's no way you can raise everyone, simply because 99% of them are selling crap no one needs. Only those who are really worthy should be raised. But they get lost among the pile of other junk. Therefore, the task is to weed out the junk, and then sales will rise.

If you read the thread carefully, you might have noticed numerous mentions of the fact that many people post products at all, not to sell, but to attract attention to themselves, to raise their reputation, etc. Ie for example, a man sells 10 products at Market - so he's cool. And the fact that these 10 products are probably rubbish, no one wants them, no one will pay attention to them.

Who needs it, who doesn't. That's everyone's choice.

You won't forbid a shop to sell cigarettes just because you don't smoke, will you?

Everyone has a choice before buying or downloading something.

Good products get lost among most of them, perhaps. But if you look around, there really is nothing to compare it with. Good, bad, scalper, not scalper. Everything should be in the description.


Make two columns on the page, as done in the signals - one column will scroll through the paid products in the other free, demo

The mechanism of products presentation in columns by time - for example, ten minutes each product will be shown on the main page (given the time zones of the countries + day, night, at different times of day different attendance)

When any link (Expert Advisors, indicators, panels, libraries, analyzers, streets) is selected on the left side of the page, the page with the products opens - they also scroll by time

I forgot about magazines, a lot of paid but few free - they can be allocated 5-10% at the bottom of the page under the products and also scroll
You are leading the Market towards a monopoly as a matter of principle - provide standards, "bullshit" and "non bullshit".

Monopolies of what? Useful goods? I have already said in previous posts that bullshit is first and foremost something that the author himself does not consider useful. He puts it out there simply by taking advantage of the fact that it's free. He does not bear any risk. But if someone accidentally clicks on a wrong place and buys his product, he will get profit. Does it make sense?

Comrade Petros has drawn a good analogy with homeless people carrying all sorts of junk from the trash in the hope that someone will buy it. So Market will gradually turn into such a trash dump, if the concept is not changed. It should not be a free warehouse for storing junk, but a platform for doing business with a certain threshold of entry.

I would like to see a filter in the Market that filters out Expert Advisors with signals, because the best criterion of theory is practice.

Monopolies of what? Useful goods? I have already said in previous posts that bullshit is first and foremost something that the author himself does not consider useful. He puts it out there simply by taking advantage of the fact that it's free. He does not bear any risk. But if someone accidentally clicks on a wrong place and buys his product, he will get profit. Does it make sense?

Comrade Petros has drawn a good analogy with homeless people carrying all sorts of junk from the dumpster hoping that someone will buy it. So Market will gradually turn into such a dumpster, if the concept is not changed. It must not be a free warehouse for storing junk, but a platform for doing business with a certain threshold of entry.

Stop with the "cure" already. No product gives you a 100% guarantee that it will make money, no matter who pokes where! Provide the standard, government product that steadily raises profits.

Trading on the exchange always involves a risk, so no matter how well you play, you cannot be completely insured against playing accidents. Additionally, you must keep in mind that the market will not always be in a good state for your trading strategy every month.

For these reasons you should not rely on a permanent steady income from trading, in this profession you sometimes have to bide your time without profit or even incur losses.


You have some kind of socialist ideals. There's no way you can raise everyone, simply because 99% of them are selling crap no one needs. Only those who are really worthy should be raised. But they get lost among the pile of other junk. Therefore, the task is to weed out junk, and then sales will rise.

If you read the thread carefully, you might have noticed repeatedly mentioning the fact that many people place products not to sell, but to attract attention to themselves, raising their reputation, etc. Ie for example, a man sells 10 products at Market - so he is cool. And the fact that these 10 products are probably rubbish, no one wants - no one will pay attention.

I would add that, back in Soviet times, out of 5 engineers only one worked, the rest read Ogonyok magazine, filled out the crossword puzzle and drank coffee. All of them were paid 150 rubles.

There was a complete wage leveling. Now it is the same with Market, it is a real Bazaar, who sells what he wants and how he wants it.


We ourselves want to do a rotation and upward lift of all products.

Haven't figured out how yet and it would be interesting to collect ideas on the forum.

A multi-criteria genetic optimization algorithm.

ZZY There is also an option, can be used both separately and in complex with GA...

Add to user's profile personal rating (those favorites for products and rating for ordering in favorites). This is a purely closed section, for each profile its own.

The user will get an ordering of what they are interested in, you have access to this data will be able to assess the pending interest in the product.

Public rating does not lead to voting as you see it, you need to use it. A person needs to put his interests in order, and he will create his own rating for himself, and you will only have to summarize the data.

Here's a link to Joo's article by the way, he was just dealing with multi-criteria optimization.

Генетические алгоритмы - это просто!
Генетические алгоритмы - это просто!
  • 2010.05.25
  • Andrey Dik
В статье автор расскажет об эволюционных вычислениях с использованием генетического алгоритма собственной реализации. Будет показано на примерах функционирование алгоритма, даны практические рекомендации по его использованию.
A multi-criteria genetic optimization algorithm.
I wonder what would come out of it. ))

Stop with the "cure". No product gives you a 100% guarantee that it will make money, no matter who pokes it where! Give me the standard, government product that steadily profits.

Trading on the exchange always involves a risk, so no matter how well you play, you cannot be completely insured against playing accidents. Additionally, you must keep in mind that the market will not always be in a good state for your trading strategy every month.

For these reasons you should not rely on a consistently steady income from trading, in this profession you sometimes have to bide your time without profit or even incur losses.

Do not go to the other extreme.

Let me give you an example: One market vendor is selling an indicator and an Expert Advisor that uses signals of this indicator.

In reviews of the Expert Advisor, they say: "The Expert Advisor is loss-making while the indicator is good".

Everyone knows very well, and he ' s absolutely right about that - 99% of junk in the Market is unnecessary.

And 99% of buyers, in their right mind and mind, buy this stuff in hope, for self-deception or for something else, it doesn't matter.

Then those 99% of buyers put the junk they bought on their own money and 99% of their own capital is drained.

And even after that, these 99% of "satisfied customers" still don't understand what happened.

So do not tell us all a fairy tale about the risk and other stories (of course, fool yourself as much as you want, if there is a need).

The aims and objectives of the marketplace have been unambiguously stated by Renat - maximization of sales.

And quality, if one thinks of it at all, is not at the forefront here - because quality kills the market, sifting out 99% of the junk (MK has a complex unsolvable philosophical problem).


You have some kind of socialist ideals. There's no way you can raise everyone, simply because 99% of them are selling crap no one needs. Only those who are really worthy should be raised. But they get lost among the pile of other junk. So the task is to weed out the junk, and then the sales will go up.

I don't have socialist ideals, and the mentioned aim of total growth in my words is tightly connected with the obligatory maximization of sales.

There is no easy solution, which is why the question is raised. It is necessary to rotate the search results, bringing up the deep masses, so that the top doesn't freeze and gives chances to the newcomers. That is a task for an organiser, not for individual traders who, by hook or by crook, will think of their own personal advantages.

There are now 2,100 products in MetaTrader 4, and 1,400 in MetaTrader 5. You need a complex formula with many non-linear components (the behaviour of each is described by its own non-linear formula), which can describe the process of automatic rotation.

If you have read the thread carefully, you may have repeatedly noticed references to the fact that many people post products not to sell them at all, but to draw attention to themselves, raise their reputation, etc.

Read carefully and that's why I wrote about the creditable suggestions to kill the service.

For example, your suggestion "let every seller, without selling anything yet, pay for placement in the marketplace" is an excellent demonstration of both points: advice to kill service and focus on individual advantage. I'm not even talking about the second step - what happens when the top is flooded with "honest" spammers and cheaters.