FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 787

The field was chasing pips))))

ah, well, right then)))

I'm trying out Ilya's rails in between. it's very easy to automate. On the demo. let's see....


ah, that's right then)))

I'm trying out Ilya's rails in between. it's very easy to automate. I'm running it on the demo. let's see....

There's no one there, as Sensei says.)

What, Ilya too?


There's no one there, as Sensei says)

What, Ilya too?

If you hadn't opened the branch, the Teacher would be alive )))

There's no one there, as Sensei says)

What, Ilya too?

A couple is more fun apparently)))

And the profit from the rails - I'm really tired. I've been suffering for a week... so far it's 50/50


It's a nice play on the eu.

Now it would be so logical to reverse and collapse to parity ;-)

and yet from the last whisker down creeping about 14k contracts yyyyyyyyyyyy .............

It's my fault again?)

and yet since the last whisker it's been creeping down about 14k contracts yyyyyyyyyyy .............

And us with them)


Beautifully played by the Jews, though.

Now it would be so logical to rebound and collapse to parity ;-)

or rebound?

If parity is reached, Europe will be drunk for a month )))) I do not believe it. The target at 1.21 has not been beaten yet.)


or a no-bounce?

If there is parity, Europe will be drunk for a month ))))

Bezotskok or bezotskat, it's hell for some. ))