FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 786

And when they let her go? ))

when the hard-liners run out of rubles for the quid

the interventions of the central bank will show, which have not been on the chart for a long time


when the hard-liners run out of ruble money for quid

The Central Bank's interventions will be visible, which are not on the chart for a long time

Here is the news:

Russia's biggest exporters to be obliged to sell foreign currency earnings >>

СМИ: крупнейших экспортеров России обяжут продать валютную выручку
СМИ: крупнейших экспортеров России обяжут продать валютную выручку
  • 2014.12.23
МОСКВА, 23 дек — РИА Новости. Ведущие госкомпании-экспортеры в ближайшие два месяца по указанию правительства продадут большую часть накопленной валюты, обеспечив поступление на рынок около 1 миллиарда долларов в день, пишет во вторник газета "Коммерсант". Правительство обязало пять крупнейших госкомпаний-экспортеров ("Газпром", "Роснефть...

when the bigwigs run out of ruble money for quid

the interventions of the Central Bank will show, which are not on the chart for a long time

And the ruble rose thanks to the holy spirit?)))
And the ruble rose thanks to the holy spirit?)))
The rush in demand for quid blew it to the top. there have been cases where central bank intervention has had no effect on the exchange rate.
For example, procurement (tenders) will be won more by those who count and settle in roubles.
the rush of demand for quid blew it to the highs
And from almost 80 down what blew it down?)
And from almost 80 down what blew it?)
there yes, i agree. otherwise the ruined banks would have had to be closed.
There yes, I agree. otherwise the broke banks would have had to be closed down.
So that would be a very good move, and the more the better, even if the ruble fell to two hundred, and then to raise the real sector, supporting bank bubbles is the way to nowhere.
So that would be a very good move, and the more the better, even if the ruble had fallen to two hundred, and then raise the real sector, supporting bank bubbles is the way to nowhere.

Did Ilya and Ishim get thrown into diszbut?

... oh shit, what the hell have they done that is so condemnable ? ))))


Ilya and Ishim were thrown into diszbat?

... oh hell, what have they done that's so condemnable? ))))

They were chasing pips on the field.)