FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 695

That's why we are all disciples of the Wisest )))

YES!!! HE taught us how not to....

The teacher needs to take up the book, HE has been meaning to for a long time, now is the time to do it, no work, plenty of time to spare, we just need to help HIM come up with a proper title and it will be wow...

"The effect of fleas on the exhaustion of Icarus", which is...

The market will go sideways (some analysts say), we will be nostalgic for those troubled times.

everything will be alright ))))

Chart, yes, this is it, this will save the ruble.... turn it over and don't show it to anyone... hide it...
Chart, yes, this is it, this will save the ruble.... turn it over and don't show it to anyone... hide it...

You go ahead and yammer on about the rupee, while I mow on the euro )))) (in cold weather)

dop. no Rena - must be queuing up at the Sberbank ))))


I would still open on CADJPY, but no orders.

I think...


You go ahead and yammer on about the rupee, while I mow on the yew )))) (in cold weather)

I'll mow the euro for the time being (in the cold).

Sensei, be careful, today they can get a lot of money...))

YES!!! HE taught us how not to....

The teacher needs to take up the book, HE has been meaning to for a long time, now is the time to do it, no work, plenty of time to spare, we just need to help HIM come up with a proper title and it will be wow...

"The effect of fleas on the exhaustion of Icarus", which is...

How about "Exhaustion is your path to financial freedom" ? )))
Senseyushka, be careful, they're going to get a lot ...)))
that's at 10:00 P.M. - I'll see if I'm far away in the boo or cover )))). Thanks.
How about "Wasting is your way to financial freedom"? )))

It sounds a bit hackneyed... "Exhaustion is your path to freedom."

Where do fleas and Icarus go?

The market will go sideways (some analysts say), and we will nostalgically remember these troubled times.
Everyone will get their monkeys out of the dusty coffers (dreamily) ))) Talk will start again after how many coups the losses will be covered ))))