Commercial chaos - page 5


so what is the first sage

"first sage + angulation" spread bar or something.....

Suggestion to communicate in a "human way", narrow terminology has never made the subject popular

you still haven't answered what you consider to be the first sage - a reversal bar?

the chart is heavily loaded i suggest we go back to the classics, it's not like you are pushing your software in this thread... Or....

Removed everything extraneous. The first sage is perfectly visible on this chart as well as the angulation with divergence.


I agree with Angulia.

Damn :-) it takes a lot of pincers to get answers out of you...

Repeat the question - is the "first sage" a spread bar?

I don't know, I'm not sure... I'm sure you've got a lot of answers.)


I agree with Angulia.

Damn :-) it takes a lot of pressure to get the answers out of you...

Repeat the question - is the "first sage" a spread bar?

i don't think so, it's too complicated anyway, people will get confused, they'll attribute your drawing to Williams :-)

You have already been told, see above.

vozro2014.04.19 13:45RU

so what is the first sage

"first sage + angulation" a spread bar or something.....


On the chart there are standard indicators that are in the terminal in the tab: Insert - Indicators - Bill Williams, except for labels that help visually identify the signal.


You've already been told, see above...

vozro2014.04.19 13:45RU

On the chart there are standard indicators that are present in the terminal in the tab: Insert - Indicators - Bill Williams, except for labels that help visually identify the signal.

I was actually interested in your opinion.

I don't remember at williams channels


Actually, it's your opinion I'm interested in.

I don't remember Williams' channels

Do you have something against channels? Show your chart On the same currency as you see it.

I have nothing against channels, it's just that if we are talking about trading the method that is in the title of the thread, this is what I would like to talk about

Channels are from Turtle as far as the classics are concerned.

Here's something like this

Screenshots from MetaTrader

GBPUSD, D1, 2014.04.20

Forex Club International Limited, MetaTrader 4, Real

GBPUSD, D1, 2014.04.20, Forex Club International Limited, MetaTrader 4, Real

By the way a very good angulation in February is marked with an oval

I have nothing against channels, it's just that if we are talking about trading the method that is in the title of the thread, this is what I would like to talk about

Channels are from Turtle as far as the classics are concerned.

That's something like this.

By the way, a very good angulation in February is marked by an oval.
Just fractal channels are directly related to the trading chaos, the same first sage is on the border of the fractal channel or the third sage, which the price breaks through it is also the border of the fractal channel, so the channel shown on the chart can be regarded as an addition to the strategy which simplifies the understanding of the Trading Chaos.
Maybe you need the keys to the accounts where the money is deposited?

Otherwise it looks more like deliberate advertising . Let's talk about I don't know what, and then sell indicators and panels ...)

Or is it not from your site?