Commercial chaos - page 11


iTC you can also screenshot examples of inputs.

Another option on identifying waves would be very good

This site has more programmers than traders. And programmers in most cases do not give a damn what to program and what the strategy is. They are not interested in it. The main thing is the money for the work done. I have tried to do this before, but some forum users would not accept it. They say it is advertising for their products. Therefore, I write here very rarely, when I know exactly what I can thus help with the answer man. Give a lecture after reading the previous posts, which say that people are not interested in it, I do not want. All the more so that for 15 years it was written and rewritten in those places where links should not be given. =)
There are more programmers than traders on this site. And programmers, in most cases, do not care what to program or what the strategy is. They are not interested in it. The main thing is the money for the work done. I have tried to do this before, but some forum users would not accept it. They say it is advertising for their products. Therefore, I write here very rarely, when I know exactly what I can thus help with the answer man. Give a lecture after reading the previous posts, which say that people are not interested in it, I do not want. All the more so that for 15 years it was written and rewritten in those places where links should not be given. =)
There are more programmers than traders on this site. And programmers, in most cases, do not care what to program or what the strategy is. They are not interested in it. The main thing is the money for the work done. I have tried to do this before, but some forum users would not accept it. They say it is advertising for their products. Therefore, I write here very rarely, when I know exactly what I can thus help with the answer man. Give a lecture after reading the previous posts, which say that people are not interested in it, I do not want. All the more so that for 15 years it was written and rewritten in those places where links should not be given. =)
People will always be something unsatisfied ... Therefore, we can continue the discussion. Who needs to take note of the data ... And who will talk nonsense just delete their posts as spam so as not to litter the thread with rubbish

There are 140 bars on the chart. At the very bottom of the chart is the start of the 1st wave up. Four waves de facto have been. The fourth one is already over. Let's go back up into the fifth. Then a correction. And again a fifth wave up. On this 5th wave, the target is around 38 rubles per quid. Unless, of course, it is extended. The target is scheduled to be 50 rubles per Dol.

График USDRUR, D1, 2014.04.25 07:06 UTC, Joint stock company ''Master brосk'', MetaTrader 5, Real
График USDRUR, D1, 2014.04.25 07:06 UTC, Joint stock company ''Master brосk'', MetaTrader 5, Real
График USDRUR, D1, Joint stock company ''Master brосk'': temp_file_screenshot_21170.png

It looks plausible.

as we know the 5th wave is made up of 5 more smaller waves... now it's possible that the 3rd wave inside 5.... is starting to form all true unequivocal buying
I suggest to go back to the current market situation and show the current system signs on the charts. Please show the arrows on the chart where the sage is and where everything else is. and comments on the chart of course. I also suggest all trolls to move from here to the Interesting and Humor, where they should dwell, and moderators to wipe all that does not belong to the discussion of the system. If Eugene you take on the role of mentor on this topic, then at least I will wait every day for your explanations of the current market situation in the light of the teachings of Trading Chaos.
I suggest to go back to the current market situation and show the current system signs on the charts. Please show the arrows on the chart where the sage is and where everything else is. and comments on the chart naturally. I also suggest all trolls to move from here to the Interesting and Humor, where they should dwell, and moderators to wipe all that does not belong to the discussion of the system. If Eugene you took the role of mentor on this topic, then at least I'll wait every day for your explanations of the current market situation in the light of the Trading Chaos.
It is impossible to discuss something when one explanation of the current situation and trade chaos in general has dozens of trolls who absolutely do not understand it, and the entire discussion comes to naught because of trash messages, if it were possible to administer their own topics, banish unnecessary contingent and delete left messages are not relevant to the subject it would be another matter, but now all the discussions have been moved to another resource.
It is impossible to discuss something when one explanation of the current situation and trading chaos in general thrown at a dozen trolls who absolutely do not understand it, and the entire discussion comes to naught because of trash messages, if there was an opportunity to administer their own topics, banish unnecessary contingent and delete the left messages off-topic it would be another matter, but so all the discussion had to be transferred to another resource.
It is absolutely necessary to introduce the rights of a sub-moderator for the topicstarter, otherwise local trolls will continue to bully all the new ones
eh, who needs him then, your wise man with the arrows?
HA...The arrow wiseman, what are you doing, you don't even know what an indicator is called... You don't even know its name. And this was written by a man who has been spending money on development of useless advisors and indicators since 2010 instead of learning to trade on his own and getting profit from it)))