refund for a dead signal - page 6


What exactly is it about my posts that you don't like? For daring to criticise this "service"? Oh please forgive me, I won't do it again.

I was especially amused by the request for all the contact information along with the passports of your subscribers (why???). And you don't share any information about yourself.

Well... except that you're in Honduras... It's the subscribers who have the right to ask you where you live. You know... punch you in the face if anything happens...

Why don't I bring you the money, the car and the keys to the crib? Just give me the address.

No problem - a break-even subscription could also be possible - starting at 100 quid a month or more. or % of profits

Call 02, if they say it's OK, then feel free to call 03...

I don't need the passport details of subscribers. If a subscriber registers an account with the signals, then the seller, in my opinion, should have the right to refuse subscription to anyone who in his opinion does not suit him. Let's assume such a situation.... You have normal subscribers that have been in the market for a long time, and they know that they can be good today and bad tomorrow. And some "boy" comes along who signs a demo account and starts spamming.... They flood the Signals Provider with personal messages, their advices on trading, they write comments to the news, they do feedbacks every day in the sweat. And then the question arises, how to get rid of it? You cannot! The service does not provide for subscription management, as such. I think few people will object to the right to be able to deny a signal to certain individuals who live here in abundance, even with a refund of their subscription fees.

That's exactly what your hypothetical hysterical subscriber looks like. Didn't you notice? Take a look from the outside.

What do you care how I look from the outside? As far as I remember, you said that you are not interested in signals and you are neither a seller nor a subscriber. So what are you doing here?

It's not the individuals who are doing something with their accounts that bothers me. It's the service and not being able to manage it for your own benefit that bothers me. no matter who you are.... seller or subscriber.

(Sorry for the off-topic again) but why should we be concerned about what you are concerned about? Do you know how much I am concerned about everywhere ... I can't count... It's not like I'm making you work too hard with me.

Why do you care what I look like from the outside? As far as I remember you have declared that the signals you are not interested in, and you are neither a seller nor a subscriber. So what are you doing here?

It's not the individuals who are doing something with their accounts that bothers me. It's the service and not being able to manage it for your own benefit that bothers me. no matter who you are.... seller or subscriber.

Personally, I wrote the following:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

How can I get my money back for the signal if my signals provider emptied my deposit in 5 days after I subscribed?

artmedia70, 2013.10.31 16:47

I do not broadcast signals myself and I have not been a subscriber either. I don`t have any Subscribers, I am not interested in them either:

If the vendor does not trade his positions, but the client started to trade and closed the position on a stop-loss trawl. I wonder if the terminal will not want to synchronise the trades and reopen the closed position.
Where did you notice here that I' m not going to broadcast anything? Yes, I won't be subscribing, and the rest of it was out of the question.

Weren't you the one making the claim?

If you have questions about trading, automated trading systems and testing of trading strategies, you should contact us.

How can I get my money back for the signal, if my signals provider emptied my deposit in 5 days after I subscribed?

Slivator, 2013.10.30 13:43

This is not about copying trades.... not about draining the account, but about regulating the relationship between the Seller and the Subscriber.

If someone provides a service and takes money for it.... even one cent.... that service must be guaranteed to be provided. If it is not, then someone should be held accountable for it. And that responsibility is exactly what it is not. The office has simply withdrawn itself from regulating, any relationship.

And again, as a reminder... I have NOT subscribed to Dmitry's signal in question and I'm not going to subscribe to any of the signals on a real account until MQ brings the service to a normal state.

And what are you still doing here after that?

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

How I get my money back for the signal, if signal provider emptied my deposit in 5 days after I subscribed?

Slivator, 2013.10.30 13:54

To be honest, I don't give a shit about all this....

MQ apparently too.

So..... goodbye everyone... Nice talking to you all.

Don't put your memory health problems on someone else's shoulders. OK?


Personally, I wrote the following:

Where did you notice here that I' m not going to broadcast anything? Yes, I won't be a subscriber, and the rest is out of the question.

Weren't you the one who made the statement?

And what are you still doing here afterwards:

Don't put your memory health problems on someone else's shoulders. OK?

Wow.... That's quite a file. OK, goodbye. I won't bother your lovely "company" again.

And you tell me, pour out your soul, you'll have one less stress))).

Honestly, I don't understand why the service administration will not refund money to the seller's wishes. For example, when registering a signal the seller may quite voluntarily indicate that he will refund the money for a subscription in the event of a loss-making trade. The symbol should be simple for such sellers: if there are some, it means refunds, if not, it does not. It would also be easier to deal with claims from subscribers. "You signed up without a refund? Goodbye." It can be done, can't it? And then they'll see who has more subscribers and from whom the office has more money in the form of commission.

And here if you make medals, for example, the number of medals can correlate with the number and duration of the ban.

Here's a man posts on the forum, expresses his thoughts, and in his profile he has a real name and his real surname. The whole avatar is covered with medallions. A personality!

How many people would listen to his opinion? A lot ...

And you, registered 2 weeks ago, nothing, no provider, no subscriber, no name, no surname .... no one ... you can not even banned for anything. I for one would be ashamed if I were you ...

Maybe you're a bot... There's an auto chat room with auto-jurors...

A brave man is never afraid to 'sign' his every word on the internet. And a coward hides under nicknames, stressing others out with his anonymous tensions ...



A rhetorical question to the author of the post about accountability.

One of my subscribers left a review today - "WAITING!!! From $143 left 6.5 (((" (he wrote this about his account, what he had left).

I, on the other hand, have a working drawdown of 10%. It follows that this man took on itself inadequate risks 10 times greater than mine (in proportion to deposits, of course).

And what responsibility may we talk about here and about any refunds if the subscriber (this is not about all) behaves inadequately.

Greed is the enemy. My goal is a 5-15% average monthly profit. It's better to have a little, but stable.


In short, it's time to add a new section of the forum "Cheaters against suckers" - "Signals".

We can add an "MQL" section along with this wave.

Who's for it? Raise your hand! Raised! Raised! ))