The impact of forex on a trader's health - page 7


About beer, kebabs and expensive alcohol (vodka doesn't taste good) I completely agree. You have to limit yourself. eat normal foods like oatmeal, normal boiled eggs.


Adding to the list: Nocturnal lifestyle, lack of socialising, reputation as a slacker, womaniser. My younger brother once told me: "You're getting money from the sky!!!"

Absolute inability to live a normal life (where do they all go in the morning? Why?). Unacceptance of other people's problems due to the crisis, bosses' hit-and-run, salary arrears and other office plankton's hemorrhoids.

I have been living for a long time making money only on Forex. I trade robots only. I am not a millionaire, but I make pretty good money. Hence the envy of those around me, even of those who work for themselves. I am not a millionaire, but I am getting pretty good at it.

I don't envy coders at all. They spend many hours in front of their monitors. Hence spine crookedness, malfunctioning of internal organs, coffee and cigarettes, nerves from customers and lack of prospects to work less and earn more.

A handsome fellow! I respect you. I strive... I'm also looking forward to resuming my SPORTSHIP - MUST.
A trader, if he works intraday, must make a tough schedule. For example, for an hour he spends 45 minutes at a monitor, 15 minutes to get up, do something else. Otherwise a bad back and bad eyes ((( And as most people write correctly - do not avoid physical activity. The price does not move much round the clock, while the flat is physical work. It's up to someone who lives in their house, it's easier, but flat dwellers have to go to the trucks and wagons...
That's bullshit. Are you a trader or a programmer?
Where does this information come from? Yours, IMHO?


I see. "A copywriter in a sole proprietorship." You're mistaken, Copywriter in a sole proprietorship. As it was fashionable here at one time.

Was to write "you are still at the beginning of the food chain". :-)

Possibly confused with the army - "dig from here until lunchtime, ten minutes of every hour is a smoke break." :-)



On the subject of influence... :-)

Google rules.

P.S. It's about time.

Note - it's"It's not like the price moves strongly around the clock, while the flat is a physical job...."

The "and" is up, the "and" is down. Flat is an orgasm... :-)

what kind of "physical work..." :-)

It's hilarious - I can't get enough of it. I'm sorry.

Here, on the subject of "impact..."

Получилось наконец то слетать за Урал. Давно запланированный семинар в г. Екатеринбурге состоялся. В этой статье вы можете посмотреть соответствующий отчет о мероприятии. Сегодня я решил поговорить с вами о..."плохих упражнениях". Беру заранее это в кавычки потому что все в этом мире относительно. В каких то ситуациях то, что было плохо еще...
I've now reread the whole topic. I prefer wine myself. Allows you to shake all the stuff that doesn't stick well out of your brain, i.e. mud. Gym at home, every day. Gym at home every day. Once every fortnight I go to the weights (mate has a weights shop). There is no other way. I haven't been sitting at a computer (relatively) for a long time now. At home (or rather in all ...) there are two TV sets next to each other, one shows what I watch in real life, the other shows quotes.
Gym at home? Every day? I find it hard to believe! ))) you can work out at home today and not tomorrow. Public is what really motivates on all counts!!! :)

Do you make deals on TV too? ))
And the news is on the radio.
A trader spends most of his time at the computer or watching TV, which mostly doesn't involve physical activity, and it has a negative effect on eyesight. Who and what does one do to protect oneself from negative effects of such activities?

Working from home for almost 5 years, my health has only improved )) Why? :

  1. I'm doing what I love, writing robots, trading. My last job was optimizing audio codecs for some gadgets and I was too bored to eat every night.
  2. I ate healthy food at home instead of all that crap.
  3. No more stress, since I can plan my own time.
  4. I've always been annoyed by my colleagues' endless chatter about cars. They never talk about women - maybe because of my sedentary life and declining functions ))
  5. Fresh air is important for me, I was forced to breathe in air conditioner at work.
  6. Daylight at work is killing eyesight, only incandescent at home. My eyesight improved immediately.
  7. I began to walk a lot, several times a day, from 5-10 kilometers on foot in winter (running is impossible now) up to 5-15 jogging in summer. Used to come home like a hunted donkey, no running.
  8. Can sleep for 20-30 minutes during the day, instantly, like new.
  9. I go to the fitness club and swimming pool periodically, I go in the daytime when it's empty and not stuffed like herrings in a barrel.
  10. You have to do exercises for your eyesight, it helps a lot, I've really improved in a year, I can read pin text on groceries and used to put a font of 12 on the monitor.
  11. I can do a mini workout a few times a day at home
  12. Used to just kill the drive to the office, back and forth 3 hours of wasted life and loads of energy.

Working from home for almost 5 years, my health has only improved )) Why? :

  1. I'm doing what I love, writing robots, trading. My last job was optimizing audio codecs for some gadgets and I was too bored to eat every night.
  2. I ate healthy food at home instead of all that crap.
  3. No more stress, since I can plan my own time.
  4. I've always been annoyed by my colleagues' endless chatter about cars. They never talk about women - maybe because of my sedentary life and declining functions ))
  5. Fresh air is important for me, I was forced to breathe in air conditioner at work.
  6. Daylight at work is killing eyesight, only incandescent at home. My eyesight improved immediately.
  7. I began to walk a lot, several times a day, from 5-10 kilometers on foot in winter (running is impossible now) up to 5-15 jogging in summer. Used to come home like a hunted donkey, no running.
  8. Can sleep for 20-30 minutes during the day, instantly, like new.
  9. I go to the fitness club and swimming pool periodically, I go in the daytime when it's empty and not stuffed like herrings in a barrel.
  10. You have to do exercises for your eyesight, it helps a lot, I've really improved in a year, I can read pin text on groceries and used to put a font of 12 on the monitor.
  11. I can do a mini workout a few times a day at home
  12. It used to kill me to get to the office, 3 hours of wasted life and a lot of energy.
That's the approach I like.
That's the approach I like.

I just value freedom and am tired of being an office plankton. However, it wasn't my first escape attempt, but this one seems to be successful ))

I've already had people write to me on the subject of eye exercises. They are widely known and freely available, and are also sold on the Internet under names like "The Great Secret of the Siberian Healer" for good money. The principle is the same: by strengthening eyeball muscles, we at the same time improve eyesight, and any deviations. You can compare it to physical training. And slipping is also bioenergetics. The main thing is to do it regularly, at least 5 times a day. It has really improved my overall farsightedness and myopia in one eye.

I uploaded to Yandex disk what is . I think I started with Zhdanov, there's plenty more on the internet on the subject.