The impact of forex on a trader's health - page 6

A negative influence, especially if you trade profitably... Beer, vodka, kebabs... goodbye liver... cigarettes - goodbye lungs... and many examples=)

About beer, kebabs and expensive alcohol (vodka doesn't taste good) I completely agree. You have to limit yourself. eat normal foods like oatmeal, normal boiled eggs.


Adding to the list: Nocturnal lifestyle, lack of socialising, reputation as a slacker, womaniser. My younger brother once told me: "You're getting money from the sky!!!"

Absolute inability to live a normal life (where do they all go in the morning? Why?). Unacceptance of other people's problems due to the crisis, bosses' hit-and-run, salary arrears, etc., office plankton hemorrhoids.

I have been living for a long time making money only on Forex. I trade robots only. I am not a millionaire, but I make pretty good money. Hence the envy of those around me, even of those who work for themselves. I am not a millionaire, but I am getting pretty good at it.

I do not envy coders at all. They spend many hours in front of their monitors. Hence spine crookedness, malfunctioning of internal organs, coffee and cigarettes, nerves from customers and lack of prospects to work less and earn more.

A trader spends most of his time in front of a computer or a television set, which mostly does not involve physical activity, and this has a very negative effect on eyesight. Who and what does one do to protect oneself from the negative effects of this kind of activity?
Whoever has a system will give it to a coder to translate it into machine language.
Scalpers have their fingers in a sore spot.
A trader spends most of his time in front of a computer or a television set, which mostly does not involve physical activity, and this has a very negative effect on eyesight. Who and what does one do to protect oneself from the negative effects of such activities?
Walking the dog in the park.

vodka doesn't taste good)

not all vodka is tasteless )) try a vodka named after a sturgeon fish and your opinion will change ;)
Not all vodka is tasteless )) try a vodka named after a sturgeon fish and your opinion will change ;)
I prefer Jack Daniel's in its pure form.

I think everyone has heard that most diseases are caused by nerves. So without explaining how I know this and so on ( there is a forum in the psychology section) there are a number of dissertations on the subject. Here's the problem with the eyes : either you drain more than you take in (this is about trading) or ...... But seriously something in your life that you do not want to see. A weakening of eyesight is a defensive reaction of the body. You should see a specialist (I do not mean an optician).

At the last moment before posting I saw some really good advice. Make sure there are more positives in your life than negatives.

I prefer Jack Daniel's in its purest form.
ny ny
I prefer Jack Daniel's in its pure form.
I've now reread the whole topic. I prefer wine myself. Allows you to shake all that bad stuff out of your brain, i.e. mud. Gym at home, every day. Gym at home every day. Once every fortnight I go to the weights (a friend of mine has a company like this). There is no other way. I haven't been sitting at a computer (relatively) for a long time now. At home (or rather in all ...) there are two TV sets next to each other, one shows what I watch in real life, the other shows quotes.
A trader, if he works intraday, needs to make a strict schedule for himself. For example, for an hour 45 minutes at the monitor, 15 minutes - get up, do something else. Otherwise I have a bad back and eyes that do not see well ((( And as most people write correctly - you should not avoid physical activity. The price does not move much round the clock, while the flat is physical work. It's up to someone who lives in their house, it's easier, but flat dwellers have to go to the trucks and wagons...