Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 273


So, the 20,000 bits you've lost, you think they'll keep it for a rainy day?

Although it's not that much, it's probably already sold out.


although it's not much, they may have already sold out.

99% yes, almost immediately.
Свердловская прокуратура добилась блокировки сайта биткоинов
Свердловская прокуратура добилась блокировки сайта биткоинов
Как сообщил РБК помощник прокурора Невьянска Давид Саркисян, сотрудники ведомства по заданию прокуратуры Свердловской области проводили проверку по выявлению сайтов или организаций, которые используют на территории России другие валюты кроме рубля. В результате прокуратуре удалось выявить пять​​ сайтов, в том числе, использующие...

Spump is alive and well, the stump will be pouring money out for fear of a Goks-like story.

The other 180 will follow Spam and I think we will see within a month at least.

i did not even think it would happen so soon )
I didn't even think it would be this soon.)
Oh, don't even think it's the stump.
Oh, don't even think it's the stump.

I was going to say it wasn't the stump, but you beat me to it.

No, I don't think so.


Bitcoin seems to have just begun to fall ))

Первые суверенные биткойн-монеты
Первые суверенные биткойн-монеты
  • 2013.12.01
  • BitNovosti
Многие наблюдатели полагали, что рано или поздно, небольшие государства предпочтут перейти на биткойн, а не поддерживать свою собственную валюту. Можно считать, что этот момент настал. Правда, пока что речь идет о разовом выпуске юбилейных монет государством-карликом. Крошечное мини-государство Олдерни (Alderney) собирается выпускать...

imho, this is stupid = it's like trying to talk about pagers after the invention of the mobile phone

Why would a virtual currency be tied to a metal "money" also in gold terms


Inside a secret Chinese bitcoin factory that generates $1.5 million a month

Source translation for gearmix(Cowanchee)

Last October, American journalist Eric Franco managed to visit the inside of a giant Bitcoin factory located in a real converted factory building in Liaoning province in rural northeast China.

This factory is just one of six bitcoin farms owned by a secretive group of four. The combined cash-generating capacity of this system at the time of the journalists' visit was 4,050 bitcoins a month - roughly $1.5 million.

Despite the rather unpresentable look of the inside, these six factories have eight petahashes per second of computer power, which - again as of last October - represents as much as 3 per cent of the world's Bitcoin network.

Workers at these factories live inside their bitcoin farms, only returning home for four to five days a month.

During the summer months, the temperature inside the factories reaches 40 degrees Celsius, plus there is the continuous hum of dozens of industrial fans that provide the operating temperature for the 3,000 ASIC systems - customised computers designed specifically for bitcoin generation.

Journalists were granted access to the factory on the strict condition that no details about the workings of the ASIC machines or who is behind them be kept secret.

For the bitcoin world, 2014 was a volatile but successful year, with major companies such as Microsoft, Dish, and Dell recognising the new cryptocurrency. And last month it was announced that the first licensed bitcoin exchange operator in the US had opened - a huge step forward for a currency that is only six years old. But despite the futuristic and forward-looking image the press is giving bitcoin, its real face is the faces of the people working in Bitcoin factories.
