Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 218

Nah. It won't ;)
It will, but not today.
it will, but not today.

"Not today" was out of the question.


will we get to 250 today? )

JPMorgan plans to create its own cryptocurrency
JPMorgan планирует создать собственную криптовалюту
JPMorgan планирует создать собственную криптовалюту
Крупнейший банк США JPMorgan Chase подал заявку на получение патента на платежную криптовалютную систему.

"Not today" was out of the question.

Ahh, then it will come, it's only 2 times cheaper ))

ZS: this is the capitulation phase, it's fast

it will go below the average 146% )

or maybe 700 at first

i am already guessing ))


Ah, well, then it'll get there.

I don't know.


maybe it'll go to 700 first

I'm already guessing ))


well, well...

What's the point of guessing?

Man, when am I going to learn how to jerk off?
Man, when am I going to learn how to jerk off?
What? Again!?
What? Again?
Yep ) the tricky part is that the strategy is there and it works perfectly. But there comes a moment... And it's a dick to automate.
Man, when am I going to learn to jerk off?
Sometimes you have to force yourself to stay away. To catch my breath, so to speak.

So in the end, Sanek beat me by a wide margin.

And the funny thing is, I'm not badly off for the day.