Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 212

I can't seem to find it.

Thank you, because I've already dug through all the documentation and settings and thought I was a complete idiot for not being able to find it))


The company's website is a good example of a spam box, and you should register with all the sites that like to spam news to that box.

// You are probably aware that site owners and/or site staff (some of them) sell client bases in between.

If spam propensity is detected after registration - seek possibility to reregister box in settings. If there is no such possibility - reregister with new nickname. If there is no way (liv-broker) - attack tech support until they will not turn off spam or will not give possibility to reregister box.

As a precaution: always register new brokers to the "spam box". Then you have to log in occasionally (maybe not just to confirm registration), but it's worth it anyway.

Thanks Meta, I've already guessed that. Good advice. Everything comes with experience))
At least you don't deny being a clone)
Clone..., I had a nickname on MT4 three years ago, and I was banned for a week because of quite reasonable threats to the admin, and it turned out to be forever. Despite the fact that I was anonymous, as I am now, I took offense and left forx for the Russian urgent - and thank God.))))
Guys, can you tell me how to turn this thing off so they don't send me an email saying my order has been partially executed? They're clogging up the whole inbox.
Create a new folder in the mail and a filter for it - so that all mails with this subject will automatically go there.

Well, the Chinese exchanges are being shut down...

Speaking of which. If there is a big (logical) withdrawal boom from btcchina, the delays could result in a gox-like situation. For the first time, it could be quite a significant jump up.

And in general, I now have a feeling that someone is cheating people.... I have a feeling that someone is cheating on people and that now the big money is accumulating.

Well, the Chinese exchanges are being shut down...

The Chinese still need another 200 years to get organisationally smarter about the state system.

// Russia, in principle, is not far behind them, but I would like to believe that they are a little smarter. At least our internet freedom of speech has been given some sort of a chance.


The Chinese still need another 200 years to get organisationally smarter about the state system.

// Russia, in principle, is not far behind them, but I would like to believe that it is a little smarter. At least our internet freedom of speech has been given a chance to develop.

I do not understand why they do not go the way of the Norgs. The only sensible and economically justified solution.
Create a new folder in your mailbox and filter it - so that all e-mails with this subject will go there automatically.
Thanks. I don't have enough sober brains to do such things today)). By the way on MT4 forum, with a nicknameHeroix I've seen somewhere test the real (or demo) quotes algorithm on some STP, I think the transaction is more than 10,000, but then, when I got interested - could not find... Can you tell me where?
It is not clear why they don't go the way of the Norks . The only sensible and economically viable solution.
Who are the Norks?
I don't have enough sober brains to do such things today)). By the way on MT4 forum, with a nicknameHeroix I've seen somewhere test the quote algorithm on a real (or demo) on some STP, I think the transaction is more than 10,000, but then, when I got interested - could not find... Can you tell me where?
No, I don't remember where.