Deleting a user from the MQL5 community - page 6



that's ridiculous...

It's all predictable which question presses where. It does not apply to traders, because traders on the one hand are nuts, because they insist on trying to use their predictive powers, and on the other hand they do not care about events when the average worker is about to jump the noose. We need to increase sensitivity of perception while putting a lid on the consequences))))

(psy: I've noticed a growing, yet subliminal urge to try things out)))

So the test isn't about uncles, you have to answer honestly as it is.

All the rest is correct, you should have a flat head (i.e. a flat head, that some abilities are developed and others are completely atrophied (damn, recursion has begun :))) to be a trader.

The main thing is that you'll have to be careful when you ask for the right trading tool.

You are overly impressionable. It's certainly not an illness, or even a mild disorder. But you should take care of your nervous system.
It's just like me, I guess it's a bribe by an algorithm a la horoscope, it treats everyone the same, or maybe they don't keep others here :o)

So the test is not about uncles, you have to answer honestly as it is.

The rest is true, you have to have a flat head (i.e. flattened (i.e. some abilities developed and others completely atrophied (that's the recursion going on :))) to be a trader.

ZS If the predictability pisses you off, there's also an IQ test.

I think the IQ tests show only the ability to pass them and nothing more. I doubt that identifying simple arithmetic patterns, determining the context of words, etc. over time, is any indication of a person's heuristic abilities. This is not a test of intelligence, but rather of erudition and memory.

Time tests generally suck for schoolboys. Statistically there is an inverse correlation between these skills and resourcefulness. Resourcefulness is a pathology as a rule, a compensatory reaction to some chronic mental discomfort. When parts of the brain are connected where normally they should not be.

Urain: You have to have a flat head (i.e. a flattened one, and atrophied the other (what a recursion we have here :))) to be a trader.
Could you tell us more about it, Nikolai?
Zeleniy: I wish they'd make blogs, half the idiots like me would disappear.

Yeah, well, you admitted it. But I like your frankness, Zeleny.

P.S. And sergeev should have been banned. I learned something from him as a mod raptor - and very grateful to him. If I could unban him - just do it right away. Banned for one oversight (if it can be called that) - not very logical.

Banned - for regular and persistent repetition of stupidity. It is for stupidity, regular and persistent.

There was no stupidity here, just an isolated outburst of energy.

Well, my mother taught me (still in health, by the way): there is no good and evil, son. There are only the clever and the stupid.

It's the stupid ones that should be banned. There is no use for them, only harm.


That in the last few days there has been some kind of psychosis on the forum.

Moreover, it's contagious and passed on to each other.


That in the last few days there has been some kind of psychosis on the forum.

Moreover, it's contagious and passed on to each other.

Renat, the public moderators in the current line-up are still very much loyal individuals to the Metakwots. At first, when they showed up, I was a bit scared of the young additions(sergeev, FAQ, for example) and their determination, but very quickly realized that these guys are just the right ones.

Once again, I think sergeev should be unbanished. He's wellworth the title of moderator, and he's proven it.

I unbanned him straight away.
Renat: I unbanned him straight away.
Thank you.

There is simply no need for moderators to be missionaries who bring dogma to the world. A moderator is a sick man of the forum and nothing more.