Interesting topic for many: what's new in MetaTrader 4 and MQL4 - big changes on the way - page 39


That is, there is no proof. Nor is there any understanding of the history mechanisms in MT5.

Please try to encourage your broker to provide a normal one minute history.

That's the problem. Algotrader has to incentivise the broker. And if he is "not incentivised" ? Instead of being able to work with his accumulated...
That is the problem. The algotrader has to incentivise the broker. And if he is "not incentivised" ? Instead of being able to work with his accumulated...
You have to become a broker and incentivise yourself )
A normal story, by the way, costs money almost everywhere. Especially teak or glass. And a decent one at that. It's never going to be good quality for free. imha
A normal story, by the way, costs money almost everywhere. Especially teak or glass. And a decent one at that. There will never be a quality one for free. imha
There won't be any "normal history", don't flatter yourself. MT5 does not support third party history.
There will be no 'normal history', don't flatter yourself. MT5 does not support third party history.
I don't need a normal story from mt5)) Why test non-mass strategies with expensive history on a mass product? It's like asking McDonalds to put oysters on the menu)))
A normal story, by the way, it costs money almost everywhere. Especially teak or glass. And a decent one at that. It's never going to be quality for free. imha

I read somewhere that a new car can't cost the same as an older model. And then Ford came along and when a new model comes out, the old one gets cheaper.

Same here a quality free story is + for the company, more so a tick story, but there's nowhere to shove it within MT.

Алгоритм генерации тиков в тестере стратегий терминала MetaTrader 5
Алгоритм генерации тиков в тестере стратегий терминала MetaTrader 5
  • 2010.05.21
  • MetaQuotes Software Corp.
MetaTrader 5 позволяет во встроенном тестере стратегий моделировать автоматическую торговлю с помощью экспертов на языке MQL5. Такое моделирование называется тестированием экспертов, и может проводиться с использованием многопоточной оптимизации и одновременно по множеству инструментов. Для проведения тщательного тестирования требуется генерировать тики на основе имеющейся минутной истории. В статье дается подробное описание алгоритма, по которому генерируются тики для исторического тестирования в клиентском терминале MetaTrader 5.

That is, there is no proof. Nor is there any understanding of the history mechanisms in MT5.

Please try to encourage your broker to provide a normal one minute history.

Renat, I am well aware that the question is unpleasant for you. It has been raised many times, and the answer is always the same. But agree that it is MT5 that shows bars of who knows what periods instead of holes. And one cannot use one's own collected or otherwise obtained.


Well, if it's going to be that way, you have to have a ticked asc-bid history. And if you want to be too careful, you also need liquidity at the edges.

What do you need liquidity on the edges of?

Right. Sort of a "one-layer glass" kind of thing. It's a cute idea, I like it. Not as nightmarish as a potty glass history, but much more informative than the bare ticks (Bid-Ask-Time).

Renat, I am well aware that the question is unpleasant for you. It has been raised many times, the answer is always the same. But agree that it is MT5 that shows bars of who knows what periods instead of holes. And you cannot use your own collected or obtained in any other way.

Shosh, it has been explained 100 times, in this situation the trader is being used as a whip for the broker, so that the traders in their mass outrage will push the broker to change for the better. You may not like it but this is the way MQs have chosen to improve the market infrmstructure.

Better let's talk about the announcement, let's return the branch from off-topic to the native path, so to speak.


I read somewhere that a new car can't cost the same as an older model. And then Ford came along and when a new model is released the old one gets cheaper.

Same here a quality free story is a + for the company, more so a ticking story, but there's nowhere to shove it within MT.

Plus, this will be appreciated by 0.1% of clients, and the load on servers, issues with technical support and other costs will be higher. I.e. it's pure business whether the game is worth it or not. Apparently MQ decided for all brokerage companies and brokers - not worth it)))