MT5 For those who care about speed. - page 36

I don't need a program (I have them) I need the source code to build my Terminal program in which the sniffer is just an input block.
Pardon me, so you've already recognised the structure of the protocol by which MT5 communicates with the server?

Understand and believe me, if you trade through MT, you can get by with homemade crutches in the terminal itself 99% of the time.

I know that... But I intend to trade not only on MT5 ( MT4 is no longer considered) but on any other...
I'm not talking about TCP/IP.
Measured by external dll according to server response...

I will disclose your answer, maybe others will find it useful :)

You can measure time intervals with greater accuracy than GetTickCount() directly from mql5.

#import "kernel32.dll"
bool QueryPerformanceCounter(ulong &ticks);
bool QueryPerformanceFrequency(ulong &freq);
void OnStart()
   ulong t1, t2, st;
      st=(ulong)1 e9/st;
      Print("Tик таймера=",st," нс. // Sleep(20) = ",(t2-t1)*st," нс.");
   }else Print("Таймер высокого разрешения не поддерживается");

2013.07.12 18:40:43     test_timer (Si-9.13,M15)        Tик таймера=410 нс. // Sleep(20) = 20511480 нс.

Great... here come the real programmers...

I may have overreacted...

But can anyone at least decipher the code or tell me which way to look at it?

Сниффер, Простое демо пакетного сниффера сетевого уровня модели OSI | DelphiSite
uMain;  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,  Dialogs, StdCtrls, WinSock;  MAX_PACKET_SIZE = ;  SIO_RCVALL = ;  WSA_VER = ;  MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH = ;  MAX_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH = ;  MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH = ;  IPHelper = ;    ICMP_ECHO = ;  ICMP_ECHOREPLY = ;  LOG_STR_0 = + sLineBreak;...

I will disclose your answer, maybe others will find it useful :)

You can measure time intervals with greater accuracy than GetTickCount() directly from mql5.

Yes, good solution, discussed here - Measuring time intervals in Windows
Измерение интервалов времени в Windows | Image Processing
Ино­гда нам нуж­но точ­но из­ме­рить ин­тер­ва­лы вре­ме­ни, в те­че­ние ко­то­рых вы­пол­ня­ют­ся раз­лич­ные ча­сти на­шей про­грам­мы. Ес­ли мы про­грам­ми­ру­ем под опе­ра­ци­он­ную си­сте­му Windows, то у нас есть сле­дую­щие воз­мож­но­сти: timeGetTime() — воз­вра­ща­ет вре­мя в мил­ли­се­кун­дах с мо­мен­та стар­та опе­ра­ци­он­ной...

I may have overreacted...

But can someone at least decipher the code or tell me which way to look at it?

Of course he does. No problem.

Someone who is very smart and very experienced. He lives here.


Sure he can. Sure he can.

This Who's Who (with a capital letter) is very clever and very experienced. And he lives here.

Been there, done that. We'll have to rewrite it later anyway.

Let him keep on writing advisers. I don't need them.

Looks like it's just the wrong forum, the task has already transformed and doesn't fit here...


Been there, done that. We'll have to rewrite it later anyway.

Let him keep on writing advisors. I don't need them.

It seems that this is just the wrong forum, the task has already transformed and does not fit here...

What are you trying to do, leave us? Keep writing. How can we do without you?


What are you trying to do, leave us? Come on, write again. What would we do without you?

What to do. He's outgrown our forum. At his speed, he's like a star in the sky, shining his light on us, moving on, moving on...

And we... like a stone on the roadway, mossy conservatism and only hinder the young talents that are flying by.

He will live forever in our hearts and on long winter evenings we will tell our grandchildren about a star namedshelandr.