MT5 For those who care about speed. - page 38

You have an interesting point of view - you wanted to move the tank, the concept of metatrader has long been basic - and it is a fact

If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, Mohammed goes .... to another mountain.

It seems that they are the real mountain with a good perspective.

Art belongs to the People!

There's just one thing I don't understand:

Here is ahugeAPI(documentation is more than 3000 pages long) to access the whole marketplace environment.

How individual functions work - I've been working for a year - I can't understand and I need to ask something.

There are 20 commands, once looked at, everything is clear - a normal socket protocol with a subscription to the right session, procedures are given.

All at once it is clear, how an exchange with a server works, there is a possibility of docking on any platform of OS...

Why such a gap in the statement of material and approach to the statement?

And WHAT is so secret those guys laid out in the Fx Api?


You are already tiring with your naivety and unwillingness to think.

Api for trading systems is useless rubbish unless it has a market environment and operations on it. It is the developed operation of the environment that makes a system strong. This is what the documentation of 3000 pages supports. It is an application system, not a "plug-and-play and send a request" type of nonsense.

Naive programmers dream of an api, not realizing that in reality they will get a stump with no market environment, which will terrify them (no indicator, no history? no bases to run all by themselves? why no history?)

Naive brokers with their own developments think they will make a breakthrough by publishing an api. As a result, 2-3 years go by without any changes. The broker actually gives you a cut-down api and then wonders "guys, you said you didn't need anything else, that you would write everything yourself! You were so active proving your awesomeness in the forums! And wrote that there were plenty of free libraries for functionality!"

All this has been happening before my eyes and has been happening with enviable regularity for the last 13 years.

Brokers with their software are scary... In that respect, MK seems to be a neutral firm, where they try to take everyone's interests into account. At least they have everything they need for trading in MT and a bunch of other things that others don't have. I think that the market has a lot of advantages that others don't have. Now it is not rational to bypass the terminal, the speed of order execution at normal brokers is practically less than a second and it makes no sense to talk about nano-seconds.

It looks like I wrote a bunch of pages here in vain, because nobody understood that this system (both MT4 and MT5) not in principle capable of work correctly as they are not real time systems and instead of looking for ways to adapt they are making bows and frills on the body of the deceased.

Anyone interested in what OSRV is can inquire here. Thank you for your attention.


It seems that I have written here a bunch of pages in vain, because no one understands that this system (both MT4 and MT5) not in principle capable of work correctly because they are not real time systems and instead of looking for ways to adapt they are making bows and frills on the body of the deceased.

Anyone interested in what OSRV is can inquire here. Thank you for your attention.

In fact, a lot of people have tried to move you in the right direction.

Instead you have stubbornly demonstrated your utter stupidity on all issues. And what you've made up about technical issues is just plain dreary.


It looks like I wrote a bunch of pages here in vain, because nobody understood that this system (both MT4 and MT5) not in principle capable of work correctly as they are not real time systems and instead of looking for ways to adapt they are making bows and frills on the body of the deceased.

Anyone interested in what OSRV is can inquire here. Thank you for your attention.

Windows has a real time priority for any process, maybe it will help you? Although I doubt it will. What objectives are you pursuing dear one? Trading on exchanges means making money on price movements, there used to be no programs like MT4 and MT5 at all. As for the brokers, they do not have such softwares as MT4 and MT5. You have to prove to the broker that your account is worth having an individual treatment and they will offer you the best solutions. Here we solve problems of a different kind and no one has such a problem as you do.

"Moscow Exchange introduced a new service for distributing market data of the Derivatives Market with an increased frequency

From 23 July 2013, Derivatives Market participants and their clients, whose equipment is located in the M1 Data Centre, will have access to the "Increased Data Distribution Frequency" service.

Clients who have subscribed to the service will not only be able to receive information on their trades and orders 30 times faster (once every1 millisecond), but also 6 times faster to download full anonymous order log ("rack")-1 every 5 milliseconds. As a result, the key advantage of colocation over remote connections via leased lines or the internet is provided.

The service is available on a free-of-charge trial basis until 1 October 2013. The new service maximizes the efficiency of participants' and clients' usage of solutions for high-frequency trading from the colocation zone, where the speed of receiving information is crucial.

The service makes market data processing more flexible, allowing participants to use a variety of software methods for data handling, aggregation and analysis, allowing for instant decision-making and rapid response to market micro-movements.

The service is available for connection to Moscow Exchange's Derivatives Market using the Plaza II protocol. From 1 October 2013, Moscow Exchange plans to introduce a fee for this service."

Московская Биржа - Новости и мероприятия - Новости и пресс-релизы
С 23 июля 2013 года участникам срочного рынка и их клиентов, чье оборудование размещено в Центре обработки данных М1 доступен сервис "Увеличенная частота раздачи данных". Клиенты, подключившие услугу, смогут не только в 30 раз быстрее получать информацию о своих сделках и заявках (1 раз в 1 миллисекунду), но и в 6 раз быстрее загружать полный...