Discussing conflicts between programmers and customers. A discussion of ambiguous situations between the programmer and the client, and a rating of the most conflicted programmer performers. - page 12

Integer: It is unambiguously written, but very probably not what is intended. Rather, it implies reaching a given divergence after crossing, but those so that only at the crossing bar the divergence is checked.
Perhaps. But it can also be written quite unambiguously.


Sorry, but I didn't understand anything in your text.

Yeah, and I had to understand it.

Have you noticed that now your reasoning has gone in a circle.

You are looking for ways for the programmer to understand your terms of reference, but you cannot explain your own terms of reference. And you think that if you can not explain your TOR, then by talking to the programmer voice on Skype - the programmer will understand everything that you can not explain.

No problem - pay the programmer to talk to you for many hours, and you will be happy (probably, but without a guarantee).

Note that during the last hour you have talked about 30 posts, but all participants of the conversation left with their opinions, no one could convince you and you can not convince anyone.


Have you noticed that now your reasoning has gone in a circle.

You are looking for ways for the programmer to understand your terms of reference, but you cannot explain your own terms of reference. And you think that if you can not explain your TOR, then by talking to the programmer voice on Skype - the programmer will understand everything that you can not explain.

No problem - pay the programmer to talk to you for many hours and you will be happy.

Note that during the last hour you have said about 30 posts, but all participants of the conversation left with their opinions, no one could convince you and you can not convince anyone.

And did you notice that all participants, except for me, represent one side, the doer?
Oh! Turns out I'm not the only one. I don't react too badly to mushrooms, but I can bite you for muving.
Which is what I needed to prove, and the customer can't bite, just give me the money.
Have you noticed that all the participants, except for me, represent one party, the doer?
I'm more of a customer.
Have you noticed that all the participants, apart from me, represent one side, the performer?
Give me a concrete example of where you personally got stuck?
Which was to be proved, and the customer can't bite, just give the money back.
The customer can find another programmer.
I'm more of a customer.
Oh yes, that does make a difference, two of them!
Which is what you had to prove, and the customer can't bite, only give back the money.
You don't say? The client can't do that? You're wrong! You're very much mistaken!
The customer can find another programmer.
How? Either give half the money of the order or all of it.