Discussing conflicts between programmers and customers. A discussion of ambiguous situations between the programmer and the client, and a rating of the most conflicted programmer performers. - page 19


The customer is ALWAYS right! If you don't agree, don't take on a penny-ante job.

The TOR should be written by the contractor and the client should agree and approve it.

If you take a job for food, be prepared to take a bite... the full price.

Yeah, yeah... don't be so nervous... "Please calm down, comrade Pechkin".

A good result is obtained when there is a consensus and joint work, with all parties clarifying the fine points of the algorithm and the nuances of the code.

It is from the programmer that the final result largely depends - exclusivity, correctness of implementation, durability, reliability of the code + responsiveness, willingness to supplement the ToR. The customer is only required to understand the programmer's terms of reference, check and accept the work. But the customer is not always right - just like the programmer is.

It is a pity that the customer can get a feel for a programmer only in the process. Professionalism is built up by both the client and the contractor - they all must respect each other, then the conflicts are over.

The codewriter rating should take into account not only the overall performance statistics but also the current year's performance.


The customer is ALWAYS right! If you don't agree, don't take on a penny-ante job.

The TOR should be written by the contractor and the client should agree and approve it.

If you take a job for food, be prepared to take a bite... ...in the full range.

What are you talking about! The customer is always right, and there is always a security guard at the entrance, or even two or three.

DC2008, don't you work for food? For pills, maybe?

Dimitri, that seems to have been sarcasm.
Dimitri, that seems to have been sarcasm.
I was joking too.
In my opinion, a reasonable suggestion. As a rule, the contractor is more prepared for the job than the client. The TOR should be written by someone who knows how to do it. This will benefit both parties.

I agree!

But if you have come to order something that you only have a rough idea about, you will have to pay the contractor for his extra labour costs.

In my opinion, a reasonable suggestion. As a rule, the implementer is more prepared for this work than the customer. TOR should write the one who knows how to do it. From this both sides will only benefit.

For a start, understand what Terms of Reference (ToR) are, for example, herehttp://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D2%E5%F5%ED%E8%F7%E5%F1%EA%EE%E5_%E7%E0%E4%E0%ED%E8%E5

Quote from the link:

A terms of reference is the source document for the design of atechnical object. ... A design is a type of contract work which results in a product(a design), i.e. a set of design documents for another product(a design object).

No one is against it - make out a job "to write the TOR" - then the next job "to write the advisor on the previously made TOR".

Then sum it all up with the words "The customer is always right", and when the need arises to issue the work "for revision", the programmer will refuse to work with a "tricky" customer.

As the saying goes, "any whim".

Техническое задание — Википедия
  • ru.wikipedia.org
Техни́ческое зада́ние (ТЗ, техзада́ние) — исходный документ для разработки и испытания изделия.[1] Техническое задание — исходный документ на проектирование технического объекта (изделия). ТЗ устанавливает основное назначение разрабатываемого объекта, его технические характеристики, показатели качества и технико-экономические требования...
papaklass:As a rule, the doer is more prepared for the job than the customer. The TOR should be written by someone who knows how to do it. This will benefit both sides.

The primary TOR is only from the client.

If the contractor seeing it, thinks that it is not formalized enough, let him adjust it with the customer. But this requires an additional payment of time. It has long been known in the business world that initial contract negotiation is an activity which is very often much more time-consuming (=money) than its execution.

I wonder what will change after the supposed article is written? Will the customers become smarter or what? Or will the doers change their behaviour?

Even now, judging by the feedback, there are several times fewer dissatisfied performers than satisfied ones. Well, they will always be, no matter how you formalize the terms of cooperation between the parties.

Bormotun: When I started placing an order myself I never thought to read anything about the performers, probably every customer is the same. But time goes on and soon there will be many of us and we will come and maybe I will become a president:)

So here is a customer who does not read the instructions and does not collect data (that's you). How will this article benefit such customers?

Here is a customer who does not read the instructions and does not collect data (that's you). How will this article benefit such customers?

There are two methods of learning about an issue: the scientific method and the groping method. Bormotun seems to have chosen the second one...

"Quick use" hasn't worked out yet. Previously in the profile - click on the number of articles - and you get a list of articles by that particular author. Also with Codabase.

Now this possibility is absent. If you want to see articles by an author - find ways to do it yourself.

There is another significant "but"... In Job, people order and write not only for Five, but for MT4 as well. What about those developers who have articles and works on mql4.com? And there is no ranking here, no articles or works in kodobase...? It will always be not in the top, but, sorry, in the POP... And accumulate the number of jobs done his ranking, to increase the opportunity to get an order for work ... that's not serious... I'm for quality rather than quantity ...

Maybe there is an opportunity to display on this resource rating with mql4 ? Or to have links to articles and work in mql4 in performer's profile on mql5 ?

There is no such service there, although customers come here from there. Some kind of "one way door"