MQL5 training - page 13

What about the lecturer denkir? Where did he go?
What about the lecturer denkir? Where did he go?
Gone hunting squirrels :-))
Gone squirrel hunting :-))
What do you mean? Drinking?
What a passion. Based on the site materials and forum replies - 3-4 months for unhurried understanding of OOP applied meaning and "appropriate thinking structure". Then - application with parallel broadening of horizons.
Perhaps I should clarify - I meant not an applied programming, but for example the creation of large corporate systems, or MetaTrader. Perhaps it will take you much less time to master the MQL5 OOP, while the application with a parallel broadening of horizons , or simply, getting acquainted, may take much more time. In general, imho, a good OOP programmer is also a good architect, and the acquisition of such skills will also require time.
When do you trade? :) (rhetorical question).
Perhaps I should clarify - I meant not the applied programming, but the creation of large corporate systems, or MetaTrader, for example. Perhaps, it will take you much less time to master the MQL5 OOP, while the application with a parallel broadening of horizons , or simply, getting acquainted with it, may take much more time. In general, imho, a good OOP programmer is also a good architect, and the acquisition of such skills will also require time.

Someone on the forum said that the best way to learn to program is to write tons of code. I agree with this statement, and I consider "getting bumped" as a self-evident learning procedure.

As for the context of the original question about OOP, it concerned the level of complexity of learning OOP for application in MQL5, i.e. for application in creation of trading programs. I didn't go beyond this context. It is quite possible that the level of complexity of learning OOP is higher for non-applied programming. But that's not what the discussion was about.

Of course, a beginner in MQL5 may make a horse's step over the ass: first he must study OOP and architecture in details during several years, and then he must study OOP features in MQL5 like nuts. Here everyone chooses the way of immersion in this material.


I agree, of course, that a newcomer to MQL5 can make a step over his ass: first, he needs to thoroughly study OOP and Architecture in a few years, and then he will be scratching his head in MQL5. Here everyone chooses the way of immersing himself in the material.

.... and then mql6.... will come out geared to some kind of python..... ;-DDDD

so the alternative is simpler - sit on 4... ;-)))))) and leave the 5 to the GOOOPers... )))))
It's strange - for some reason many people are groundlessly convinced that in order to write in µl5 you have to learn OOP - in µl5 you can write in procedural style and have absolutely "no" idea about OOP.
It's strange - for some reason many people are unreasonably convinced that to write in µl5 you have to learn OOP - in µl5 you can write in procedural style and have absolutely "no" idea about OOP.
I confirm it. First year I wrote, as they say here, only in "procedural style". It worked quite well. In the second year, after the championship, I was quietly expanding my horizons. I liked the OOP ideology a lot. It saved a lot of time.
Perhaps I am missing something, but I believe that not every task can be (effectively) applied to OOP, there must be a branching of objects. And if there is no branching, then the OOP of five is at the level of include files in four.