Voluntary certification of programmers in the Work service - page 12


What about independent certification centres?

They make money and try to raise their own profile

Don't play the girl, you're on the internet, it's "you" to the president **** and he's playing the girl...

A little boy who wants to become a successful trader, the fact that you're talking to the president on a first-name basis is just a sign of your lack of culture, that's all!

You have something to be proud of!

If everyone around here starts eating shit, will you join them too?



Don't play the girl, you're on the internet, you speak to the president on the internet **** and he's playing the girl...


Hey kid who wants to become a successful trader, the fact that you're talking to the president on a first name basis is a sign of your lack of culture.

You're so proud of it!

:) How's that supposed to help with the certification? You need a ring, a judge, an audience, and popcorn.


Are you going to organise something on the side?

On this point, it is correctly stated (Lizar 2011.11.10 01:3).

Indeed, educational courses are called for here, and the certification itself is a kind of knowledge test after these courses. Then it all takes an acceptable form, and will not look like a brazen attempt to gather everyone together and sit on top. Anarchy will win out anyway. If you think about the educational courses... there's too much to teach. Syntax, algorithms, mathematics, geometry, problem solving technology. Before doing the basics, you have to learn the basics of communication, and at the heart of all communication is ethics... eventually come to psychotherapy.

Either MQ makes the assessment or none at all, the rest will be the same as usual.


If everyone will use MKL Wizard and build strategies on it, then certification will be possible.

Well, let's make a separate point:

1. certified mql5 programmer.

2. a certified mql5 master user.

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A little man who wants to become a successful trader, the fact that you talk to the president on the first name terms is just a sign of your lack of culture, that's all!

What are you so proud of?

If everyone around here starts eating shit, will you join them too?

Grandpa, I'm not your boy, I'm your opponent. This is the Internet, get used to it. If a man demands to be addressed as "you" here, there's something wrong with his ego.

Lizar you have a strange idea of licensing and certification, you end up with your distorted definition (why distorted - below) put it above and try to prove that the idea is wrong? this is stupid to say the least ) either explain what can be wrong when the party interested in developing the service will issue a license (MQ), or put your definition away and run to study the issue.)

A driving licence is also a licence and certification in case you are not aware. Can we drive without a license? The question raised concerns a similar type of license / certificate, because I was faced with the fact that the programmer was asked to take the client from point A to point B, he takes him to point C D D by turns and will not get to point B, and even driving on the wrong side of the road.

sergeev I understand correctly that MQ does not want to do this and does not plan to? I and a couple of other programmers in this thread would help you put together a testing methodology to your approval, you would only have to apply. The question is not about the templates and exactly how it works internally, let it even check the indicators on closed bars on every tick, as long as there are no errors that would lead to a loss or severely damage the deposit.


Grandpa, I'm not your boy, I'm your opponent. It's the internet, get used to it. If a person demands to communicate with him as "you" here, there is something wrong with his ego.

Lizar you have a strange idea of licensing and certification, you end up with your distorted definition (why distorted - below) put it above and try to prove the invalidity of the idea? this is stupid at least ) either explain what can be wrong when the party interested in developing the service will issue a license (MQ), or put your definition away and run to study the issue).

A driving licence is also a licence and certification in case you are not aware. Can we drive without a license? The question raised concerns a similar type of license / certificate, because I was faced with the fact that the programmer was asked to take the client from point A to point B, he takes him to point C D D by turns and will not get to point B, and even driving on the wrong side of the road.

sergeev I understand correctly that MQ does not want to do this and does not plan to? I and a couple of other programmers in this thread would help you put together a testing methodology to your approval, you would only have to apply. The question is not about the templates and exactly how it works inside, let it even check the indicators on closed bars on every tick, as long as there are no errors that would lead to a loss or severely damage the deposit and as long as the trader is able to perform the task.

Boy, read the dictionary.

Shall I tear down the branch? You're boring me!

Yeah, I guess - no need - the topic died the moment you started being rude..... you'll be talking to yourself now... :-) Poking


After talking to a number of clients I was very surprised at their complaints about the job service programmers

all those at the bottom of the top suffer from it - hand out handkerchiefs

including those at the very top of the rankings. Complaints do not just relate to the programmers' unwillingness to help and suggest something, which is forgivable, but their professionalism.

All those who are at the bottom of the rating suffer from this - give them the right to judge the professionalism of all others and place a comma in the sentence "execute cannot be pardoned".

Any negative rating they can easily wash out by cheating rating by creating tasks from another login directly under themselves. So the idea arose to make a voluntary certification of programmers who provide services to this service.

Conclusion: Remove "top developers" in general. "Anarchy is the mother of order".

What will it give?

- The programmer can show the client a certificate here on the site that confirms that he has been tested by Meta Quotes programmers and can do the job really good.

why should metaquotes check programmers?
the quality of individual program logic does not depend on the certificate, even the maturity certificate

- If the programmer does not have a certificate, the rating will be easily inflated and will be forgotten.

There are and will be cheating as long as there is something to cheat.

- The customers will be able to choose a programmer not by a cheated rating, but by the presence of the certificate.

The rules for this kind of selection will be the same for all of the above.


- A certificate can be obtained by ordering a certification for a fee. If you fail, you can get it again in 2-4 weeks for a fee.

why buy a certificate?
a number of developers respected by the community and known to the community do not appear in the service Work and do not plan to

- In addition to the certificate, a programmer can receive a grade for the completed tasks within the certification. Suppose a programmer is given 3 tasks and each of them is graded on the quality of the work including several criteria. The average grade for each criterion goes into the certificate.

the complexity of each task is individual.
you can solve 10 such tasks, and you won't "get into it" with the 11th.
and this says nothing - neither about professionalism, nor about the lack of it.
professionalism is a relative term

- The verification must be hidden by Meta Quotes workers who will post the verification orders in the Jobs service and then distribute them to those who ordered the evaluation. The programmer will find out that it was a certification only when the work was done and, of course, will not receive money for it.

why do metaquotes need to do this?

- The rating of the programmers who passed certification will be shown separately above the rating of those who did not pass it and the programmer will not be removed from the bottom list and can be displayed in both lists.

the certificate is one of the qualification criteria, and far from being the main one

- to write in a programmer's profile the number of lost arbitrations in a prominent place, this information should be displayed when a customer tries to choose a programmer. As for example, when sending money through WMID to WMID, which has complaints in Black List.

The reason for an arbitration dispute can be different - for example, a simple misunderstanding of each other and the intervention of a third party helps to keep things constructive and complete the work properly.
The reason for an arbitration dispute can be that the client has disappeared and not appeared for a month and the work must be completed.
in an arbitration dispute there is no 'win/lose' - there is 'agree/disagree/disagree in part' with the arbitration decision.
dissatisfaction with the arbitration decision can be expressed in a response.

- In case the programmer has lost 2 arbitrations in a quarter his certificate is zeroed, attestation is necessary to pass anew. *Quarter between the first and second arbitration.

too complicated

These proposals are aimed at "cleaning up" the ranks of "programmers" from unprofessionals or inexperienced workers who do the job as if, knock down the price of the work just to get the order and leave a negative impression of the service from customers.

This proposal is intended to show everyone what a professional, experienced, with the president on "you".


The form of the dialogue is as important as the topic. Whatever topic is raised, if the form is "ugly", then there should be no place for such a discussion. At this point you deserve a week's ban, for an intimate assessment of the form of public discussion.

DDFedor was insulted by Ivan, last post on page 8.(https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/5212/page8#comment_116643). That's not the point.

Abolk, if you don't mind, read the whole thread, everything has already been discussed.

Can you please tell me where I can see the unfinished work of the programmers who were considered in arbitration in favour of the customer?