Voluntary certification of programmers in the Work service - page 16


1. What does this have to do with me? We're talking about the general case. You're not suggesting, but you're suggesting, like, if... then... all the customers will scatter. You're practically threatening, scaring, blackmailing, terrorizing potential contractors. Even if not, at least you are propagandizing this ideology. In fact, it's more common to have a different ideology - if you get some work done on a personal order, it's customary to tip you.

2. You know how in Alice?

Alice turns to the cat:

- tell me how to get there.

- where do you want to go?

- I do not care.

- then you don't care where you want to go

There's no way out - checking whether all the points have been made is on the shoulders of the client. No one can rule out a case where the doer will say they have done it, but in fact they haven't.

Pardon me, I must have expressed incorrectly, I always talk about myself, about other people let them speak.

The general case is usually derived from surveys of private cases and analysis of frequency patterns.

I can't express the opinions of others....

And I'm actually kind and fluffy, I was creeped out by your description of me, but I agree with the cat from Alice, we usually go where we go!


1. What does this have to do with me? You're talking about a general case. You're not suggesting, but you're suggesting, like, if... then... all the customers will scatter. You're practically scaring, intimidating, blackmailing, terrorizing potential contractors.

And it's Ivanov who scares everyone with his big, red felt-tip pen.


It's also Ivanov who scares everyone with his big, red felt-tip pen


Pardon me, I must have misspoken, I only ever talk about myself, let the others talk about themselves.

The general case is usually derived from surveys of individual cases and analysis of frequency patterns.

I can't express the opinions of others....

So you should have checked the job and told the person doing the job that some point was not fulfilled. There are three stages for this on the job: layout, demo, handover.

All jokes are jokes but the felt-tip pen has to be handed in.

So you should have checked the work and told the person doing the job that some point was not fulfilled. There are three stages on the job: layout, demo, handing over the work.

I mean .... do you think I did otherwise? What do you make of that conclusion.......
There are assignments with such small points, not explicit, but a couple of words somewhere in between, that change everything fundamentally. This is a real ambush. You have to read the assignments very carefully.
I mean .... do you think I have done otherwise? What did you draw that conclusion from.......
I don't know what you did, it doesn't matter. You started a thread, I supported it and that's it. Talked:)
I don't know what you did, it doesn't matter. You started a thread, I supported it and that's it. Talked:)
Let him turn in the felt-tip pen .
All jokes are jokes, but the felt-tip pen should be handed in.

So I didn't have one....

It should be in a programmer's arsenal....
